Part 6- separation.

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I held the map, turning it around and around.

Okay, being honest now.

To be honest, I don't know how this crap works.
I'm just doing it to make the two of them trust me. But Morcant seems to have this hint that I don't know, so he usually goes ahead and leads us time to time when I'm clueless.
I'm grateful for that. And Rohesia has been giving me weird looks.
She said, "You guys friends now?"
"No, when did I like him? He's weird," I really didn't care about lying to her, but at night, the guilt swarms over me.

I feel as if something is wrong, but now, I'm focusing on something else. We were about a metre away from the castle, and since it was in our sight, we went into the forest, in case anyone saw us. Morcant lead the way again, and there was a gate, clear in our sight, opened. Just for us, to grab us and boom-

Killed. Splat splat. Aim aim, all knives at us, and we hit the floor.

But no we won't die, there are windows without the glass, and the river is in right outside the castle, so imagine this sand castle with water around it and a bridge, there.

At my count, we climbed in the 'window' and we looked ahead, no one there. We ran to the bridge.

"Guys, be careful the river-" Morcant was stopped, as a guard held his arms, he struggled to get out of his grip.

"Morcant!" I shouted. Robeson stopped to try and hit the guard.
I looked at the door and him.
I ran towards him, "Let him go!-"

He mouthed the word 'go', and with hesitation, we went into the open door. We were in a room, with doors leading us to other millions of rooms. Rohesia was clung onto me, and it was up to me. We took off to the stairs in front of us. I've separated from our guide...

"Morcant..." I whispered.
"We have to leave him, we can't go back,"

She was right.

And we were now worried. More trouble. We were planning to go back for him.

Which is worse than worrying.

Way more trouble.

. . .


"Let me go!" I shouted.
They both left, and thank god they did.
"It's just me and you..." He said, pushing me closer to the river.

I always knew I'd die here. With them.

I shouldn't have come and climbed up the roof with 'Bezier', but maybe I should peacefully die here in water. No one will help.
"Yes," And he aggressively pushed me in the freezing water, and I sunk deeper in it. His reflection was above me, an evil grin on his face. It soon disappeared, and I felt as if soap was in my mouth. I closed my eyes, avoiding sight with any sign of death. I couldn't breathe no longer, and I had stopped.

An easy death, it wasn't so bad.

I thought of them two.
Leaving me, not refusing. They had no choice, it's my your fault for doing that.
I should've tried harder to leave them, but dying is better.

Seriously, at least I'm not dying of hunger...

I felt a tug on my hand. It was warm, and sharp. I felt myself being quickly pulled under, opening my eyes and opening my mouth. All that water felt like air, like I could breathe again. Soon, I was on sand, still on water, but standing.

It's her.

"Morcant, what are you doing..."
"You...what are you doing here? I thought you can't-"
"I know these things, you're too vulnerable to follow them, you have to let me help, please,"

I nodded, unsure of everything. She was holding my arm, smiling at me.
She grinned, seeing me turn red.
"Come on, and call me Lilac,"

She lead me to a boat, underwater?

"Is it abandoned?"

"Look in it,"

I saw our town, and the castle.

"I never realised we were in our town, I was so caught up in the fact we were there-"
"You can make me and my people help, we'll attack from below,"
"I suppose, but don't ruin their plans..."
"Look at me now,"
I looked at her.

"Those two are in danger, the King has hidden roots in his carpet, they grab your legs-"
"And suffocate you. They force you to stop breathing and keep struggling,"
"You've been there?"
"Experienced, I mean,"
"What about vines? Oh you poor thing!-"
"No I don't actually know about them, but I saw them at a tree Seviyn was climbing on, before some men told us about the King and his guards at his castle,"

The boat still creeped me out, so I was now next to her.

"Those vines, tug your neck,"
"We better get those people of yours-"

"Lady Lilac- who is this?"
"A friend of mine, he cannot breathe in water, but we need some help. We can be free, no longer under this polluted water!"
"Tell me more?" The 'merman' was intrigued, and soon we were on a table, discussing our plan.

We were going to get all of them, and volunteers would leap up, peering through the windows. When they see Seviyn and Rohesia up near the King, they start squeaking. A guard will look up at the window and the rest of them all will make noises, concerning him. He'll get other guards and stop the work of the vines and secret roots, and warn the King, that they have planned to leave, letting an illusion trick with the mind of the guard. The illusion will be a hole in the fence guarding them.

This will give them enough time to kill the King, and Lilac will come with me to make a great leap into the window, that's behind the King and his desk. We'll meet up again, and kill him. Easy.

"But there is a crown, you mustn't destroy it, it has a power to kill the one that touches the power that is spread when it is broken," She warned me.
"If I get killed?"
"You...won't die," She seemed hesitant, so to comfort her, I gave her a hug.

"Thank you..." She said.

The rest of the mermen were staring, and once they were ordering others to get everyone else, me and Lilac were in a room alone.

"If I die, will you be angry?"
"Yes, very,"
"Can I apologise when I die? Or will it be too late?"
"Stop, it won't happen..."
"I'm sorry, but can you please answer..."
"It won't be too late,"
"Why? If I may ask-"

"Because I love you, you give me hope that you can help us all,"
"You can't really love me though, aren't like us right?"
"But I am?"
"We can breathe in water-"
"But I can too, if I tried!" She laughed awkwardly.
"But you'll die,"
"Exactly. I'd try to breathe underwater to find you,"
"What does that mean?..."

"That means,"
"I love you too, and I really don't care anymore,"
"I-if we live, do you think I might be able to-"
"Yes, we can be together until we BOTH die,"
"Don't you like her-"
"Yeah, but as friends you know? I get upset that he might break her into pieces,"
"You won't do that to me right?"
I held her hand.
"No, because it's cruel," I gave her a kiss on her cheek, and the door swung open.

"My lady, they are ready, you may explain to them now,"

"It's time," I tell her. She nods at me, and walks out, in her thin red gown.

If everything goes too fast, it might fail.

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