Chapter 1 ~ The New Kid

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Chapter 1 ~ Kali

I try push through the huge ass crowd of people trying to get to my next class. Move people! I can't be late!! "Kali!! Kali!!", I hear my name being called. I turn around to see my best friend Anna.

Hi, my name is Kali Clair and am currently finishing my last year of school before Uni. I live in London. I have blonde hair, that falls in waves to the middle of my back, and blue eyes. That girl who is calling me, is one of my best friends, Anna. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. She's just a tad shorter than me. She's about five foot, I'm five- four.

She runs up to me, "Hey Kali! Did you hear?!" Oh why must you be so perky!

"No, but why the hell won't people move? What's going on??", I ask, not succeeding at making in through the crowd.

"Omg! Kali some really hot new, apparently famous, kid is coming to our school!", She squeals. Just then the crowd erupts in screams. "Kali! There he is!!"

I sigh, great! A "famous" New kid comes to our school and everyone goes nuts! What even is the big deal with this kid? Honestly, he's just going to distract everyone from learning. No one will pay attention in class and I need to learn! Why is he even in school? If he's apparently famous why go to school?!

I notice the crowd start to move and make an opening. Through the opening walks the new kid. Ummm... his name is...It's...I don't know! And didn't tell me. Don't judge me, I don't care. He has jet black hair, dark complexion and mysterious brown eyes. He makes eye contact with me as he walks past and winks.

I scoff, who the hell does he think he is!! The crowd finally clears up and I make my way to AP Lit class. Thankfully he won't be in there. I can go to class, sit in my seat, we don't have assigned seats but I always sit in a certain spot, just to be alone. I walk into class and freeze. He is in my class, worse, he's in my spot! Why is he even in here?!

I walk up to him and he looks up. He flashes a smile, I gasp, his smile is amazing. No, shake that thought away Kali! "Hi there", he says in an accent I don't recognize

I feel a shiver run through my body. "You're in my spot", I say bluntly.

"I was told there were no assigned seats", he shrugs.

"But I always sit there, so can you move?", I glare at him.

"I quite like this spot. I can see the teacher clearly and its great for learning", he says smugly.

Oh what the hell! Why does he have to go here! "Just move!", I tell him.

"Kali! You don't talk to Zayn!", Ali, the 'popular' girl says to me. Not even a 'Like that', and just tells me not to talk to him. Whatever, not like I want to anyway.

"With pleasure", I say and move to another seat. He is going to make my life a living hell!! I can feel it. I pull out my pencil and notebook and listen to the teacher as I take notes. Half way through class I can feel a pair of eyes basically burning holes into my back. I ignore him, I won't give him any attention to feed his ego.

Something is flicked at my back, seriously!? Don't turn around Kali, another piece of paper hits me, don't do it Kali! "Pst!", I hear him trying to get my attention. I'm about to finally turn around when the bell rings, hallelujah!!

I get out of that class as fast as I can. I find Anna by a couple other girls. "Ready to go?", she chirps as I approach.

"I'm ready to get out of here for a while", I sigh.

"Oh my gosh! Kali, Zayn is starting at you from down the hall", she whispers.

"What? Who's that?"

Her eyes go wide! "Kali, that's the new kid!!", she gives me that duh look. Oh that's right, his name was mentioned.

Do I dare turn around?? I go against my judgement and slightly look over my shoulder. He flashes that same again, I snap my head back toward Anna. "C'mon, let's go", I drag her away. Why do I feel like he's not going to leave me alone?

~~ Zayn

Who is that girl? She...there's something different. I've seen many girls all over. Plenty of girls in the hall were gorgeous but something about this girl draws me near. I know it's weird to say but in class when she talked to me I saw something dark in her.

Granted, I wasn't to ecstatic to be coming here but things could change. I'm only here because apparently I missed some class? I don't know, but it's dumb. I just think it's something to get me more involved to gain fans, kind of stay grounded and because I dropped out of school... I guess it's a pretty great idea.

"Zayn!!!", I turn around to see a skinny, brunette, with an annoying voice, I might add, call my name.

I turn around, "Ohh..uhhh..Hi..." I stumbled on her name.

"It's Ali", she says with attitude, popping a hip to one side, with her hands on her hips.

"Right", I nod. I look past her only to see my mystery girl gone. Dammit! Wait..My mystery girl? Yeah I guess so.

"Whatchya looking at?", she puts a finger under my chin pulling focus back to her.

"Nothing now", I scoff.

She gasps, "Whatever. Anyway, I'm sorry about that girl in Lit class. She's a no one!"

Is she talking about that mystery girl? "The girls spot I stole??", I ask anxious for an answer.

"Yeah, but like I said, a no one!", She laughs and runs her fingers through my hair.

I pull her hand away, "Please don't touch my hair."

I can tell she's getting annoyed with me ignoring her and putting her down. "Wanna go out tonight?"

"I just got here, you don't know me, and you want a date? I could be a serial killer for all you know", I raise an eyebrow.

"I highly doubt that." I turn around and start to walk away.

"Fine! I'm so over it!", She calls.

Why are people so weird? I walk out side to see a grey car waiting for me. I hop in, "Hey Liam."

"Hey Zayn. How was school??", he laughs.

"It's crap already! Different than Bradford and Wolverhampton! I mean the only thing the same is the girls are all over me, and I'm pretty sure guys hate me", I laugh. "But", I think about her, "there was one good part of it."

He glances at me and smirks, "Oh yeah? This part a girl?"

"Yeah. But she was different, she wasn't all over me. Actually I think she already hates me and its only the first day of many!", I laugh.


-[a/n] Hello my lovelies! So this be a new story ;) haha. I decided to make this one a bit different. Ya know, instead of them all being a band just have them...there... There will definitely be context of them as them selves but I wanted to change it up a bit. Just as I said I wanted to change it up, it won't be completely happy at parts. Okay, well... I also wanted to try something. I would like at least 1 vote before my next upload... PLEASE!!!!!! That's all I ask :)

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