Chapter 20 ~ Partner Up For a Surprise Vist

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Chapter 20 ~ Kali

"Alright class! We will be having a project worth 15% of your grade. You will all be put into partners", the class cheers, "that I've assigned". Cue the groans. I'm interested in who I've been paired up with. "I've paired you all up with someone from another class based on how I believe you will commit to working".

Now I'm really curious as to who I'm with. The teacher reads off names and I wait patiently. I think Rose is in the other class. Maybe I got lucky enough to be with her. "Kali Clair", I look up as my name is called, "You are with Harry Styles". There are few quiet gasps, snickers, and hushed whispers as everyone looks my way.

I sit frozen, staring straight ahead as I repeat the name in my head. I can't seem to find any emotion to describe what I feel, how I feel, right now. I look around and notice all the looks i'm getting. The teacher goes to continue names when she is interrupted, "That is not fair!'

Everyone, including me, turns their attention to the back of the room, where Ali is. She is standing and looks furious, "She can't be with Harry".

"Ali, sit down", the teacher says sternly. "I've chosen who I've chosen. Now sit".

She looks like she wants to say more but keeps her mouth shut. She looks at me, glaring. I swear I feel her stealing my soul. She sits down, adjusting her shirt, she lets out a, "humph". I slowly turn around and face the teacher, sinking into my seat. Maybe having Harry won't be too bad, he definitely won't let Ali or anyone else bother me. As the Lit teacher reads off the rest of the names all I can think about is getting home. I'll get to see Louis and Zayn! And Anna too, she stayed home with a fever, poor girl.

Well, today, my first day without Zayn at school, is different. I keep thinking of the first day I met him. I thought he was an arrogant fuck. I smile to myself and let out a sigh of relief as the bell rings. Even though I know Zayn isn't waiting for me by the doorway I still take my time leaving the class.

Right before I step out the teacher calls my name, "Ms. Clair?"

I turn around and smile at my teacher. She's a nice woman, middle age 40's. Short, bobbed brown hair and thin, black rimmed glasses. "Yes?"

"I wanted to apologize for Ali's actions today", oh what a sweet lady.

I shrug, "It's quite alright. I'm used to people not liking what I do."

I try to mean that jokingly in all the truth it means but the teacher doesn't smile. "You know why I paired you with Harry right?"

"Because we are both intelligent students, top of our class, both harder workers. Am I right?", I sigh.

She nods, "Yes ma'am you are. Have a lovely day okay?"

"I'll try, bye", I walk out of the room clutching my books to my chest. I start to smile as I walk to my locker, remembering Zayn told me he has a surprise for me and I'm very excited! It's amazing how any thought of Zayn can make me smile now. I can't wait to see, "Harry?"

He standd in front of my locker and gives me a cheesy smile, "Howdy partner."

"Hi", I reply hoping my blunt response will let him know I'm not in the mood and make him leave. I was wrong. He stays put, in front of my locker, smiling like an idiot. "Harry", I say slowly, "my locker".

"Magic word?", he cups his ear.

"You're a pain in the ass. Move it", I say.

He rolls his eyes and moves anyway, shoving his hands into his pockets. Which I don't know how he does because they are so tight. "I was thinking we should get started right away", he says quietly as people pass us.

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