Chapter 26 ~ New Bonds

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Chapter 26 ~ Kali

I rummage through my locker, where is it?  I can't seem to find my Lit book, I know I put it in here! I honestly just want this damn day to end so I can go home and talk to Zayn. Him, Niall, and Liam have been working non-stop for their album, yes album, and have been doing a bunch of promotional stuff for their single that's to be released in a couple days. Today will be the first time I will have talked to him in days. Where is that damn book?! 

I slam my locker shut and turn to walk to class, "Holy shit!", only to find Harry standing by my locker. "You absolute arse!"

He chuckles. We are actually okay now, more than ever. He's gotten Ali to lay off of me and he's actually been with her for a whole two months with no breaks. "Sorry, but that was funny. Do you have time? I need to talk to you".

"Look, Harry, I've got to get to class or I'm gonna be late. I'd love to talk, maybe later? And besides I'm not in the best mood, I can't find my-"

"Book", he holds up my Lit book. I take it from him, opening the cover I find my name. 

"My book! Thank you", I hug him. 

"It was in the hall and I knew it couldn't have been there on purpose", he shrugs. "'s Zayn?"

I smile at his question. They still hate each other but they really try for me. "He's well, last I heard. I'm calling him tonight. Hey look, thanks again but I gotta get to class and you should too", I hug him quickly.

"Right, sorry", he seems off. 

"Thank you again! Text me later and we'll talk!", I run off to my class making it right as the bell rings. "Glad to see you make it Kali", the teacher says sternly. 

"Sorry, I couldn't find my book", I slump into my seat. A couple of girls snicker and make quiet comments but I just roll my eyes. 

The class goes by slowly, each minute feeling like ten. I stare at the clock for what seems like hours before the bell rings. I'm the first to leave, arriving at my locker I quickly put my things into my bag. As soon as I exit the building I pull out my phone, dialing Zayn. It's 3PM here meaning it's like 7AM where Zayn is but he told me to call him. I walk home as I wait for him to-, "Hello?"

"Zayn!", I squeal. Yes I know that's a little much but it's been days since we talked and it seems like forever since we've seen each other. 

He laughs, "Hey baby girl! How was school?" He sounds tired and I feel horrible. 

"It was Hell! Literally I think the hallway floor opened to the pit of Hell before Maths", I can't help but smile like an idiot as I talk to him. "What's your plans for today?"

"That sounds like school. Well, in about an hour I have to wake up Niall and Liam, then we've got another recording session. Oh quick question! Has Louis been mentioning anything about Niall?", wow what a change of subject. 

I unlock my flat, "Um he talks to him occasionally but I'm assuming they are the single ones so they bonded together. Why?" I mean Louis does talk to and about Niall a lot but I don't see anything weird...I mean we always joke about them being together but I don't think they are. 

"Well the other night we had a super long day and we all crashed in Liam's room. When I tried to wake up Niall to move him to his room he mumbled something about 'missing his Louis'. But he's slept talked about Louis before. I'm thinking something might actually be there."

Niall and! "Well Louis is at work right now. I'll subtly ask about it later."

"Okay. Hey wanna hear a sneak peak of our single?", he ask excitedly. 

I Don't Need You (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ