Chapter 8 ~ Visiting

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Chapter 8 ~ Zayn

"I'm fine! I DON'T NEED YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE!", she yells and runs off. I swear I saw her eyes water but I can't be sure. 

God dammit, why does she do this? Just run off when I try to help her. I hit the tree next to me to get some of my anger out. I just want to help her but she won't let me. 

Everyone who had been watching left. And who the fuck was that Harry kid?! He's lucky Kali was in my arms or I would've beat the shit out of him. I don't know who he thinks he is. He's lucky I don't walk into that school and find him now. Matter of fact! I start to walk to the school when I hear a twig break behind me, I stop. 

"Zayn?", I turn around to be met by Anna. It looks like she's been crying. Her eyes flicker to my hands, I don't notice till then that I have them in fists. I relax them and shove them into my pockets. 

"Uh, hi Anna", I try to soften my voice. 

"You can't touch him", she just says.

Him? What? Who can't I...oh! "That ass that hurt Kali? Why not?"

" can't touch him. Kali won't let you", she walks closer to me. She adjusts her purse, looking sadly at the ground. 

"What are you talking about? Why would she care?! HE HURT HER!", my voice raises but she doesn't flinch or seem phased by it. 

"I can't tell you why, that's for Kali to tell you", this is the most seriousness I've ever seen out of her. 

"But she won't talk to me! I try but sh-"

Anna cuts me off, "You have to keep trying! Zayn, I don't know what you do to her but no one has affected her this much. I think she has a breaking point, if you keep trying you could break those walls of hers down"

"How do I do that? What if she builds more walls?", I plead. Why is she telling me this? Why is she making this harder?

"Don't give up. You can't give up on her", she looks me dead in the eyes as she speaks, then walks away toward school.

I stand there dumbfounded. What. Just. Happened?! Keep trying to talk to Kali? Break her walls? What if her breaking point of breaking her walls is bad and she snaps? And why does she care so  much about that prick?

Well if Anna told me to, then I won't give up. 

*After School

"LIAM! NIALL!", I call as I walk in to our flat. I still haven't talked to Niall about last night. I want to know why he was dancing with Kali and why he was partying. I walk past the empty living room, with a muted T.V., into the kitchen. I drop my backpack on the table and rummage the fridge for a snack. 

I freeze and stand up, slowly closing the fridge, with my foot, holding an armful of food, and an apple in my mouth. I notice it's way too quiet for Niall and Liam to be here. I carefully pull the apple from my mouth, "Lads?!" I wait but no response. 

Where the hell could they be? I set the food down but keep my apple. I look out the kitchen window, nope; bathroom, nope; backyard, nope. I sigh, well....I venture up the stairs. "Niall?Liam?", I take another bite of my apple. I reach the top of the stairs. 

I go to Liam's rooms to find it empty, but very clean...of course. Hmmm...I close his door and walk to the next door, the upstairs bathroom. I open it and find towels on the floor. "Dude, hamper!", I say to no one as I pick them up. I close the shower curtain then cross the hall to Niall's room. As soon as I approach his door his door I hear snoring. 

I open it and find Niall curled up in his bed with his duvet. Aww...he looks cute sleeping. "NIALL! GET YOUR ARSE UP!", I shout. 

"AHH!", he yells. He jumps out of bed so fast that he falls to the floor. 

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