Chapter 24 ~ Cuddles

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Chapter 24 ~ Kali

Zayn got his phone back from Cheryl that night, only after for us to get into an arguement. This was more so on my part because I had a bad day. He was just trying to calm me down and was upset because I thought he'd cheat on me. His words were, "How could you think that after our morning?" 

I responded with, "Our morning? Okay, but you weren't answering me. No text or calls, I was worried because, yeah, OUR MORNING!"  This went back and forth until I started crying and saying how stupid I was. He pulled me into a hug and kept telling me I would never have to worry about him cheating because he loved me so much. 

Now it's Wednesday, about a week later, after school, and we're cuddled together in his bed. My head lies on his chest; one of his arms under my neck, brushing his fingers up and down my arm while I play with the fingers on his other hand. This is actually how most of our nights went, just contently lying together. Sometimes we didn't talk for hours and i would end up falling asleep in his arms.

Normally on evenings like this I don't worry about anything but today my anxiety was starting to get the best of me. Yesterday I found out I had gotten accepted into Manchester University and I'm actually afraid to tell Zayn. I know I shouldn't be and that I'm crazy for not being excited but I'm afraid of the distance. I planned on MU way before I knew Zayn. I had nothing keeping me here. Anna planned on MU also and Louis was just going to move with us, but now with Zayn in my's different. We've never really talked about college or his career much. 

His career is actually starting to take off. His manager, Cheryl, is in the midst of negotiating with Syco Records and Capitol Records. Zayn and the boys are so excited, they're closer than ever to their dream and now Louis, Anna, and I have crashed in like they have on us. I'm definitely nervous for what will happen to us and I just don't want to tell him just yet. Though I might have to.

I sigh, letting go of his hand I wrap my arms around his torso, holding him tightly. He's taken back slightly but wraps his arms around me, placing a kiss on top of my head. 

"What's wrong Kali?", he asks as he pulls me closer.

"Nothing", lie. "Just thinking", truth. 

He chuckles lightly, "Yeah I could tell. Thinking of what?"

I loosen my self from Zayn and prop myself on his chest so I can face him. He looks absolutely stunning. His hair is still quiffed from his days doings, he's shirtless and in basketball shorts. Like I said, stunning. I, myself, am in yoga pants, a sweatshirt of his, and my wavy hair is pulled into a messy bun.

I smile and run my fingers, carefully, through his hair. "I love you", I say it almost as if I don't know what is going to happen between us, because I don't. Before he can respond I pull myself up and connect our lips. He immediately kisses back, but it's slow, passionate. I want him to know I love him, more than I've loved anyone actually.    

A tear escapes from my eyes as we kiss and I can't help it. I really don't know what's gotten into me but I hate it. Zayn breaks the kiss and uses his thumb to wipe away the stray tear. "Kali", he sighs, his voice heavy with concern. 

I don't know what comes over me then, at the sound of his voice I let out a choked sob. Sitting up, next to Zayn, I pull my knees to my chest and cry. I can't stop, no matter how much I want it to. 

"Oh my God! Kali!", Zayn sits up and pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his torso and cry into his shoulder. "Kali, please. What is it?" I feel dumb, like I'm over reacting and I just don't want him to laugh at me. 

"I-I can't tell you", I stutter out. 

"Can't or don't want to?"

"Zayn, please".

"Okay, not now but soon",he sternly says. I can't help my crying and I feel like such a baby. I stay in his arms for the next 20 minutes until my crying has subdued to just quiet hiccups. I feel myself become very exhausted and I just want to sleep this all away. 

"I need to sleep", I say as I pull back from his arms. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand my left over make-up smears. I sigh, getting off the bed I walk to the bathroom. I can feel Zayn's eyes on me and I know within minutes he'll follow. 

The house is quiet, every light off except for Zayn's room and now the bathroom. Liam and Niall were gone for the night, leaving Zayn and I alone. As I look in the bathroom mirror it takes all I have not to cry again. I stare at myself, the mess I am and the mess I've become. My eyes red and puffy from crying, with black smudges from my make-up. I turn on the water letting it wash over my hands before I cup in my hands, washing it over my face. I blindly grab the towel to my right and dry my face, wiping away any trace of make-up. 

As I hang the towel up I see Zayn walk up to the bathroom doorway. I turn fully to my right, facing him I try to smile but fail. He opens his arms, embracing me in a hug. "I love you Kali, so much", his voice soft as he whispers to me. A shiver runs down my spine and he continues talking. "You mean too much to me for me to see you hurt. I'll let you sleep but I want you to tell me what's going on first. That's all I'm asking, for you to trust me."

I stand tip toe and peck his lips before agreeing, "Okay."

Relief washes over him and he contently sighs, "Thank you."


"Kali", Zayn gives me a sympathetic smile. Half an hour later we're sat cross legged across from each other, sat on his bed. "I'm so happy for you. I would never laugh at you for anything. I understand the worry though. I guess I never actually thought about our future."

I pull the sleeves of his sweater over my hands. "It's the middle of January and we've got till April, when I graduate; possibly August, when I should be moving."

He bites his lip, taking a moment to think, "It'll work out. It has to...right?" Dear Lord I hope so. 


[a/n] YOI!....don't mind that! Wooo! Getting closer :) Only problem is closer I get to being causght up on typing the closer I get to realizing I'm still not done writing up the chapters. I'm stuck on Chapter 26 and honestly don't know what to do next....

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