Chapter 3 ~ What happened?

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Chapter 3 ~ Zayn

Why did it hurt when she told me not to talk to her? Sure, she didn't tell me her name but asking questions helps. But I don't even know her!! What the hell Zayn, just forget her!!

"Zayn?", I jump when my name is called.

"Shit Liam, you scared me", I clutch my chest.

He laughs, "Sorry mate but you were staring at the wall angrily."

"Oh...I was just thinking", I shrug. Thinking about Kali, the girl I hardly know.

"Don't think too hard mate. I almost thought smoke was going to come out of your ears", He slaps my back.

"Yeah, Hey mate? Could you help me with something?", I rub the back of my neck.

"Does wittle Zayn need help with homework?", he teases.

"Well actually, there is this one problem-wait! No, about Kali, that girl from school. I guess I need a wing man", I say.


It's a new week now, hurray for Monday's, not. I walk in the school and see Kali by two people, a girl and a guy. Who is he? And why is he hanging on her like that?

I walk up to her, "Hi Kali."

She glares at me, she has a knack for doing that. "I told you not to talk to me."

Wow, she is dead serious. "You barely know me and you're judging me on the day and a half you did."

"Dude she said not to talk to her", the boy says.

"Who the hell are you?"

"This is Louis. Why the hell does it matter?", She pushes past me. "C'mon guys we're gonna be late."

Without thinking and out of desperation I grab her arm and ask, "What did I do to you?"

Her eyes go wide as she stares at me and then pulls her arm away. "Don't ever touch me again", her voice trembles.

"Not cool mate", 'Louis' says as he walks past with the other girl.

I'm left in the hallway,I stand there thinking. She looked scared when I grabbed her, did she think I was going to hurt her? Something in her really was scared. I don't understand why she hates me. I need to give her up...but I can't.

~ Kali

My heart is still racing. Calm, I tell myself, calm. I was scared, the way he grabbed my arm was the don't think about it. But I do...


I'm thirteen years old and just got home from school. I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and crumple the paper in my hands. I quietly open the door and shut it. I try to tip toe my way to the stairs without my parents knowledge. They sit in the kitchen, laughing. I almost make it, but my book bag slips off my shoulder and hits the table. "No!", I whisper full of panic.

"Kali?! Is that you?", my mother calls.

"Y-yes mother", I try to keep my voice calm.

"What was that noise?", my father growls.

"I have accidentally hit the table. I'm sorry", I was always to speak proper and apologize if I did wrong.

"Worthless fool", he whispers.

"Well?! Get in here!", My mother yells.

"Yes mother",I quickly make my way.

"What's that?", my mother asks.

"What is what?", I ask confused.

"That thing in your hand, smart ass", she snaps.

The paper, my test, I completely forgot it was in my hand. Before I could speak my father snatches it. His face turns into one of anger. "An F! You GOT AN F?!?!", He throws the balled up paper back at me.

"I'm sorry", is all I say.

"Sure you are!", My mother sighs.

My father stands up and gets in my face. "How did we raise a failure? You're useless! , Where did we go wrong?! You're stupid!"

I can't take it, I turn to run. He grabs my arm and pulls so I face him again. Fear builds; he's squeezing my arm so hard, it'll end up bruising. "You will amount to NOTHING!", He yells in my face then shoves me. "Go to your room!" I stumble my way up the stairs and lock my door, crying.

*End flashback*

"Kali? Are you okay, love?", I'm snapped out of my thoughts. I look up at Louis, who is leaning towards me in his seat. Louis is my only other best friend, Anna's brother. He was supposed to have graduated a year or two ago, but he got held back. He claims he did it purposefully.

"Yeah, I'm fine just thinking", I shrug. The memory still swirling in my mind.

"So who was that bloke any way?", Louis whispers.

"Zayn", his name sounds weird coming out of my mouth. "He moved here last week."

"Why don't you want to talk to him??"

I sigh, "Louis, not right now, okay? Pay attention."

"Okay, okay", he sits back and faces the board.

Zayn Malik...What do you want from me?

~ Zayn

Why do I want Kali so badly? Why? I've barely talked to her and yet she's all I I sit in class thinking about her. I decide, since she won't talk to me, to write her a note. Yes, very childish but she won't let me talk to her.


Listen, I'm sorry for whatever I've done. I didn't mean to grab you like that in the hall. Umm. Can we please talk about this? How about Starbucks after school??


I think about how I'm actually going to give it to her. Wait! Her best friend is in my class. I walk up to her, "Hey."

"Hi!", She squeaks.

"What's your name?", I smile at her.

"I'm...I'm Anna", she says, stuttering.

"Well Anna, I'm Zayn Malik and I was wondering if you could give this to your friend Kali", I hand her the folded paper.

"Okay", she nods under my trance. She snaps out of it, "Listen, I'll give this to her under one condition." She actually sounds intimidating.

I shrug, "What?"

"You don't hurt her! If you haven't noticed she's very closed, it's for a reason", Anna tells me. I can tell in the sound of her voice she really cares for her best friend.


I want to ask what happened to Kali that made her so closed, but I refrain. Does Anna even know or is she just sticking by Kali's side? With my determination I will find out why Kali hates me and why she's so closed. But...why do I feel this won't be easy?


-a/n----You probably all hate me because of how short theses are!!!! Please bare with me! I'm just having a bit of trouble developing it.... Well I'm posting today because I actually got a vote! Thank you onedirection1351!!!! How about 2 votes??? Can we try that???

Also I had the ACT testing today and think I did well!

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