Chapter 32~ Airport

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Chapter 32 ~ Kali

Today’s the day, July 25 th ! The day I leave for Manchester. Anna and Louis are staying back a couple days to get things finalized and packed for them to move to Manchester also.

“Anna? Have you seen my make-up bag”, I call from the bedroom. I have three hours before I have to leave for the airport so, I’m trying to get all my last minute things put together and packed.

“Bathroom!”, she calls back from the kitchen. She and Louis decided to make me a ‘going away lunch’. Harry, Ali, Niall, and Liam are joining us for the evening, for final goodbyes.

The boys are actually leaving for a short tour. After ‘You and I’ went number one their album released three weeks later and went straight to number one. We were all so shocked and happy. Also, no, Zayn isn’t coming over. Actually…I’ve hardly talked to him since the day he gave me those letters.

It’s been three months since we’ve broken up and though I still miss having him I’m finally happy on my own. It hurts some days but I did it to help myself. Zayn and I are still civil if we run into each other but, that’s hardly ever.

After walking into the bathroom I look around and spot my make-up bag. I swiftly grab it from the sink and head back to my room just in time to hear my phone go off. His name lights up on the screen.

“Hi”, I answer softly as I sit on the edge of my bed.

“Kali, hey. Uh how are you?”, I can’t tell who’s more nervous about this situation, him or me.

“I’m good, thanks. And you”, I set my make-up bag in the suitcase next to me.

“Good, yeah…everything’s pretty good”, he struggles through his sentence.

“Zayn is there a reason you called?”, I sigh. I’m not trying to be rude but I know this is painful for both of us and we shouldn’t be on the phone longer than we have to. That’s so weird to have a limit on our phone call when we used to be on the phone for hours on end.

“I just wanted to wish you a safe flight. I would have stopped by but we know it would have been uncomfortable for both of us”.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, it still gives me a warm feeling knowing how much he still cares for me. “Thank you Zayn, really. And, uh, good luck to you with your tour and all”.

“Thanks, have you happened to listen to the album?”, he asks quietly.

I’m silent before I answer, “Sorry Zayn, no. I just can’t bring myself to it”. That’s not a total lie, I haven’t actually listened to it but Louis and Anna will play it sometimes and I’ll here parts. It usually takes two songs before I break, the second song is “Truly, Madly, Deeply” so you can see why I cave so easily.

“Okay. Well, I’ll let you get back to your get together”, he sounds sad.

My heart aches at his voice, “Zayn d-”

“Kali! Come out here!”, Louis calls from the living room.

“Well…bye Kali. I l- wish you a good flight”, he says quickly and hangs up.

I sigh before standing up. I almost thought he was going to say he loved me, but we can’t have that. I know it’s good to be on my own for a while, it should stay that way.

As I walk down the hall to the living room I see Harry and Ali talking with Louis and Anna. “Kali!”, Ali squeals and hugs me as I approach her.

I laugh and hug her back, “Hey Ali”. She lets me go and I turn to face an open armed Harry. I walk into his arms, “Hey Harry”.

He squeezes me tightly before letting me go, “Hey Kali, it’s good to see you”.

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