Chapter 21 ~ Surprise....I Love You

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Chapter 21 ~ Zayn

"You were my best friend Harry. You may have hurt me, but I miss you.", Kali says quietly. I feel the pain of jealousy hit me as she talks about her and Harry's past. She looks so sad and all I want is to pull her in my arms and never let her go. Never let her get hurt again.

"I'm so sorry and I mean it", Harry says. He may look tough with his tattoos and his black clothes, but he looks like a sad child right now.

I watch Kali and wait for her response but she just fastly walks to Harry, hugging him. I look away and notice Anna watching me with worry. 'You okay', she mouths. I just shrug in response. Of course I'm not happy with the fact that my girlfriend is hugging her ex and forgiving him, but I'm happy that she's gaining an old friend back and learning to forgive. Contradicting, I know.

All of a sudden I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I look down to see Kali looking at me with sad eyes. I kiss her forehead and wrap my arms tightly around her body. She buries her head in my chest, mumbling something into my chest. I couldn't quite hear her but it sounded like I love you. I smile at the thought that it could have been, lift her chin so she faces me and kiss her lips softly.

"Well", Louis breaks all silence, "today has been very interesting." We all nod in agreement. "But one question still goes unanswered. Why is Harry here?"

Kali turns around in my arms, so they wrap around her stomach with her back to my chest. "Um we are partnered up for a project. Honestly I didn't expect any of THIS", she just motions around the room, "to happen, at all."

Harry stands by the door and rubs his arms, obviously uncomfortable. "Just a thought, but maybe we can get started tomorrow Kali." She nods and I rest my chin on her head. This jealousy this can't be good. "I don't want to be rude but I think that I'll go."

Kali goes to move but I haven't released my grip. "Zayn? Could you let go?", she smiles up at me.

I let go and mumble a sorry. She just laughs and kisses my cheek. She walks over to Harry and hugs him, "I'll see you tomorrow. Try not to be an ass."

"No promises", he laughs after letting her go from the hug. "Umm bye guys", he waves to the rest of us.

After he leaves Anna speaks, "Wow, that was....something."

"I don't like it", Louis says.

Kali walks back to me, "Louis, hush! Don't say anything too mean, please?" He huffs in response, plopping on the couch.

"I'm taking a nap", Anna sighs. "K, will you be fine?"

Kali nods and links her fingers with mine, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Hey I still have my surprise for you."

She looks up and smiles, "Right, now that sounds wonderful."

"C'mon, let's so to my place", I grab hers and my jacket as she waves to Louis.

As we drive she seems so much happier and bouncing in her seat, "What's the surprise."

"You'll find out. Now sit still, you're shaking the car", I laugh

"You're no fun!", she pouts then leans over the counsel giving me a cheesy smile. "Just a hint?"

"Nope!", I pull up and park the car. She reaches for the door, "Don't open that door."

"I won't touch it!", she sticks her hands up and laughs.

I quickly get out and run to her side of the car, opening the door. I offer my hand to help her over a snow mound but she just jumps in it. I shake my head and shut her door. She has such a great personality. People who don't know her will never get to see how amazing she is and I feel bad for them.

I Don't Need You (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz