S2 E7: The Stone Army

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All of the ninja were still asleep, except for [M/n], who was sitting criss-cross on his bed reading a scroll about the Legendary Silver Aether. The alarm clock going off, startled all of them, irritating [M/n] who had nearly ripped the ancient and delicate scroll. 

"Ugh," Cole groaned, having sat up and smacked his head on the the bunk above his. 

"Ugh, agh!" Jay screeched, falling out of his bed. Kai decided to throw his pillow at the alarm clock, only succeeding in knocking it onto their gramophone and making it louder. 

Everyone groaned, sans Zane, who, as a Nindroid, could turn off his hearing. Lloyd, who seemed to finally have had enough, used his to destroy both the alarm and the gramophone. 

"^Efcharistó, Liakáda," [M/n] thanked, sounding incredibly amused. 

"Is it Wednesday already?" Lloyd whined in response, climbing out of his bed. 

"Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise," Jay complained. 

Wu opened the door, drinking a cup of tea. "Ah. Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up. It's a new day, students. Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed Rune made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe."

"Uh, what was that Sensei?"

"Did I hear an SOS call come in?"

"I sense I need to be somewhere else."

"Lloyd, haha, I'm sure you got this, heh," Jay giggled nervously. He didn't say anything to [M/n] who always cleaned Alpha's shit up. 

"Aww, you might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!" Lloyd snapped, putting his foot down. 

Kai sighed, nodding, "You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!"

[M/n] facepalmed, shaking his head at them. "Liakáda, I adore you, but you're all idiots." 

"Okay, on three! One, two, three!" Kai counted, ignoring the purple ninja who got dressed, rolling his eyes. 

He heard Lloyd groan as Jay cheered, "Haha, paper beats rock!"

"How does paper beat rock?" Lloyd pouted, sulking over to [M/n], burying hia face into the others shoulder. The older ran his fingers through his blond hair, soothingly. After a second, Lloyd pulled away, grabbing his own GI to change while [M/n] grabbed the gloves, trash bags, and googles they would need. 

They headed outside, using shovels to put the poop into the trashbags as the two dragons watched their riders. Alpha was apologizing to [M/n] as Rune's four heads all watched smugly. 

"I always have to do the dirty work," Lloyd grumbled.

"Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility," Cole said, shrugging.

"Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" Jay asked.

"I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young," Lloyd stated, bitterly, taking off his goggles.

"She just left? Who took care of you?" Kai asked.

"I spent my whole life at Darkley's Boarding School, until you guys took me in, and Uncle Wu and [M/n] started caring for me." 

"Hey, I have a mission for you guys," Nya called, as she slid down the Bounty's chain to the roof they were on. "It's the Museum of Ninjago! They've asked for you guys! Something really strange has happened."

"What?" Kai demanded.

"You're gonna have to see it to believe it," Nya admitted. Lloyd, who had been trudging around and doing his best not to pick up the poop, shoved his bag and shovel into her hands. 

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