Quirk Explanation

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Izuku Midoriya's Quirk: Domination
- Izuku can summon or command anything before the Modern Age. From Commandment, Recruitments, to the weapons of the past. The powers that contain in his Domination Quirks:

1. Royal Commandment
- When an opponent has a weak mental state during a fight, Izuku can command them to do whatever he wants.
= Activation: His eyes will begin to turn into a bluish-hue colour.

= Drawback: After overusing his quirk for 30 minutes, his eyes will begin to hurt every minute he uses it after 30 minutes.

2. Warring Recruitment
- Izuku can summon Historical People, Armies, Platoons, and Generals that he read and researched well.
= Activation: His hands will glow into a red hue and a hologram of a red book will appear with the writing on the book can be read as "Warring Recruitment".

= Drawback: Izuku must have a piece of deep knowledge about the person to summon him for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, his hands will hurt and he will get a headache after every minute the person he summons.

3. Wildlife Recruitment
- Izuku can summon Historical Animals, Extinct Animals, and National Animals that he read and researched.
= Activation: Izuku's right arm and hands will glow red and if he puts his arm raised up, a hologram of a red book will appear with the writing on the book can be read as "Wildlife Recruitment".

= Drawback: He must have a piece of deep knowledge about the animal itself to summon it for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, his whole arm and hand will start to bleed out after every minute the animal he summons.

4. Portal Armory
- Izuku can summon his 5 most trusted weapons to battle or to protect people or himself with them, when summoning his different weaponry, both of his arms and hands will glow red and a red door will appear near Izuku, this red door will have the Chinese symbol for it.

 Portal Armory- Izuku can summon his 5 most trusted weapons to battle or to protect people or himself with them, when summoning his different weaponry, both of his arms and hands will glow red and a red door will appear near Izuku, this red door w...

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1. Lance
Activation: Izuku must be mounting a horse for the lance to appear on his left side.
- This weapon can penetrate any material and but it will be damaged and destroyed after 5 uses.

Cooldown Time: 7 hours

Cooldown Time: 7 hours

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2. Bastard Sword    (That's the real name for this sword)
Activation: Izuku must be calm and his own bravery must be in line with their own emotions for it to activate, and it will appear in front of him.
- This weapon can penetrate any material and but it will be damaged and destroyed after 10 uses.

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