Chapter 5: Restored Reunion

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Third-Person Point of View

The night that Izuku left the house of his abusive family, was the time that the Ōritsu Family is losing hope to find their lost youngest child, but, during one of the secret patrols of the Ōritsu Family, a man in a black and white suit finds a green-haired man and pursued him in the alleyway. He took a picture of the boy and sent it to the royal family.

As the night begins to darken and only the illumination of the Moon is one of the only light sources in the prefecture along with the artificial light in the streets, as the man waited for the green-haired boy to fall asleep due to exhaustion, he immediately took out his phone as it vibrates and discovered the reply from one of the members of the Ōritsu Family to take the boy with them.

As the man called the main driver for the family to pick them up at this alleyway to pick him up and the green-haired boy to the Matsushiro Castle in the Nagano Prefecture, as the man is waiting for their ride, he said to the sleeping and exhausted boy, "You are now finally home, Prince Izuku," while bowing to the sleeping boy with his arms to his chest, as the boy nestles in deep to the arms of the unknown man who is now smiling.

Two hours has already passed before the man heard a soft honking sound on the outside of the alleyway, as soon as he heard it, he lifted the boy out of his makeshift cardboard bed and carried him in a cradle method whilst walking away from the dirty and ammonia-smelling alleyway. As the man walked to the exit of the alleyway, a voice from behind him said "Let go of the boy!"

Then, the man holding the boy looked behind him and saw a shadowy man in the back of the alleyway and said to him, "I would rather take the Prince home to where he belongs than give it to you," said the man.

"Then, I would have to arrest you, and I do not have the time or energy to do it," said the shadow man behind him while having a part of the shadowy man's cloth projected itself to the man. But, the man said "Yameru!" and the cloth stopped in its track and silently dropped to the ground.

The shadowy man stopped in his track and stepped into the light and said in a monotone voice, "I am impressed, may I know the name of the man who can stop my attack?", "Name, I can only give the alias of my name, and the name is Ataeru," the man said confidently. "Now, I shall take my leave," said the man while slowly spinning in the other direction where the car is.

As the man walks towards the five-year-old white Toyota Yaris door, opened it, stepped inside the car and closed it, and said to the driver to take him to the palace in Nagano Prefecture while holding the green-haired boy in his arms. "You have brushed an encounter with Eraserhead, Suisei-san." said the chauffeur, "And you didn't honk the horn of the car as a distraction, Yami-san," Suisei said in an irritated manner.

After three hours of silent driving, they made it to the house of the Royal Family, the Matsushiro Castle. As they got out of the car, the whole Ōritsu Family is waiting for them in front of the castle wall itself. After Mr. Suisei bowed to the family, the mother of the family, Reiko, suddenly ran towards them to examine the child that Suisei is holding. 

"Are you sure, Suisei-san, that this is my missing son?" said the crying empress while stroking the cheek of the sleeping green-haired boy. "I am not sure, but, we can look at the database to know if this child is truly the missing prince of your family," said Suisei as he looks at the boy with a dispirited and sombre tone.

"Let us go inside first and let him sleep in one of the sleeping quarters we have," said the head of the family. After they put Izuku in one of the rooms inside their estate, the whole family can be seen in the Kaisho part of the estate sitting down while having feelings of joy and the mother of the family can be seen crying.

"Now, we will stay here until Suisei informed us about the child he brought here...if he is our missing family member," said the head of the family. "How can we be still waiting here, our family still have the ornate mirror given to us by our grandmother to find out if he is our missing brother?," said Hajime said anxiously. "Our Father knows that dear brother, even I am fidgeting, as I really want to know the result," Chizue said while fidgeting.

After 25 minutes of waiting, the only ones awake are the parents, as the siblings retire to their rooms to sleep as it is late and they must go to school tomorrow. Then, a voice can be heard outside the Shoji Door, "Are you still awake, Your Majesties?," "Yes, we are still awake, Suisei-san. Do you have any news about the child you have brought into our estate?", "Yes, we have confirmed all, even the raw footage of the Hospital you brought the young master in his infancy. To inform you, it is your son. We have found Young Ōritsu Izuku," Suisei-san said while bowing to the Emperor and Empress of Japan and leaving the room to give them space.

"Am I dreaming, tell me I'm not dreaming, Hideo?" Reiko-sama said while crying to her husband, "You are not dreaming, our youngest son has been found, he's home now." Hideo-sama said while crying and hugging his wife. And they both retreated to their rooms to sleep as it is late now, but in their sleep, their faces can be seen with calmness and a joyful atmosphere.

As the whole family slept through the night knowing that their missing family member has been found and apologizing to him and giving him the happiness that he has been deprived of.

And looking at the Yagi Household, they are happy and play some board games in their living room with smiles on their faces, "Now, that the trash is gone, I made that room into your study and library for your school that will start on June next year," Toshinori said. 

"Also, we'll be giving you a Debit and a Credit Card for your personal use as it has a JP¥ 50,000 (USD 383.98) that you can use daily," Inko said. "Are these all of my gifts, then? Except for these gifts that I'll throw in the trash later," Hoshiko said. "Yes, the gifts from our friends have been an absolute joy of having them and treating your birthday like that," Inko said. "Now, now, let us not look into the past, as we have to look into the future of the quirked people," Toshinori said while playing their board game, as the whole family is happy as Izuku has finally gone into their household.

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