Chapter 1: Prelude to Abandonment

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Third-Person Point of View

We can see the Imperial Family in a hospital near Musutafu, Japan. "Dear, we can see our youngest child now. I think we can go and see him now." a male voice said to his wife. "That's a good idea dear, let's go." his wife said. As the man slowly guided and held his wife due to the stress and dehydration of giving birth while the woman carried her IV Fluid to replenish her dehydration. They finally got to the Nursery Wing and found their son in the window of the room itself. 

"Excuse me, how can I help you with?" a nurse in the hospital said. "Hello there, we can't find our son here in the nursery, can you find him for us, please?" the male said calmly. "Sure thing, may I know your son's name?". "His name is Izuku, Ōritsu Izuku." the female said. The nurse is just dumbfounded and began panicking so she just bowed her head to the ground and said "Of course, Your Highness" the female nurse said as she puts her head up, then made her way to the Nursery.

When the nurse goes inside the nursery to the log book, there is an Izuku Ōritsu written in it about 3 hours ago. So, she went and checked every single name and baby in the nursery until she went to the last one with no baby inside but the name in it was clear, it was Izuku's. As she went outside with a clear mind and shaking, she went to the Ōritsu family to bring a piece of bad news, "Your Highness and Empress, your son is missing from the nursery." she said. Then both the royal parents are shocked by the news that the youngest son has been missing.

"Please, find and look for our son." the man said to the shaking nurse. "I'll inform this to our administration" the nurse then quickly fled and ran to the office. "I'm sure we can find our son and he will be safe and sound. I promise you that." the man calmly said to his wife. As his wife begins to collapse and said tiredly while quietly sobbing, "I hope so, I don't want anything bad happening to our son."

After a year of finding the lost royal, the hospital and the police gave up. But, the royal family didn't stop, they assigned their best imperial guards to go incognito into each district in Japan to look for their son in hopes to find him and bring him to his own home.

5-year time skip.

Third-Person Point of View

It was a clear and sunny morning on the country of Japan, we can see a 5-year-old Izuku Yagi waking up from his wooden bed and looked around his bedroom and saw that it is already 8 in the morning, so he stood up from his bed and opened the door to see her sister waiting for him outside.

As Hoshiko said to Izuku, "Come on, we're going to surprise our parents as today we are going to know what our quirks are," her sister said excitedly. As the two little 5-year-olds scurried around their middle-sized house and rushed to their bedroom while finding their parent's room. Hoshiko found the room by opening it and telling Izuku to follow her.

As Hoshiko and Izuku tiptoed to their parent's room, they surprised their parents by jumping into their parents' bed. Inko Yagi was the first one to wake up from her slumber and with a caring tone said "Good Morning, Izuku and Hoshiko," she said while patting their heads. And she added, "Come on, wake up your father." They motioned to their father and poked him and called his name until he woke up.

"I'm up, I'm up, you can stop calling my name and poking my head now," Toshinori said while yawning. "Yay! Dad's finally woken up! We can finally go to the Quirk Doctor" Hoshiko said impatiently. "Yes, but first, we should have breakfast first," Inko answered while she get out of bed to go to the kitchen to cook some food.

As Toshinori and their children finally went downstairs to their living room as the kids watched a cartoon they liked and their father was reading the daily newspaper. They smelled the bacon and eggs cooking from the kitchen. As the kids and their father make their way into the Dining Room and waited for the food on the table.

As they were done eating their breakfast, "Kids, go shower and change your clothes, then come here in the living room." their mother said. "Yes, Mom." they ran and go to their rooms, showered, changed their clothes and goes down to the living room to wait for their mom. "Are you ready, Hoshiko and Izuku to the quirk doctor?" their mom said. And they said, "Yes, mom".

"Alright, go to the car now as I have unlocked the doors now," their mom said. As they are driving to their appointment in the hospital, they were excited. As soon as they got out of the car, they were beaming with smiles and excitement on their faces and people around the hospital are smitten with affection and glee for the two children.

As they were sitting while waiting for the doctor to call them, Hoshiko said "What kind of quirk will I get?," "Maybe a quirk like mom or dad?" she added. And maybe I will get a quirk similar to them." Izuku said. Then, the doctor came out of his examination room and called out the Yagi Family for their quirk consultation.

(A/N: I really hate this part, even as a reader or a writer of these stories, I hate it.)

After 10 minutes of checking the Yagi siblings, the doctor came into the examination room again, but this time, holding a folder for their quirk tests. 

"Now, I have good news and bad news, the good news is Hoshiko here has a quirk named Magnetic Retain, which is a quirk that attracts or repels anything in her quirk but she needs a steady supply of energy in her environment." the doctor said in a stern voice.

"That's great, Hoshiko. What about Izuku here?" Inko said happily.

"Unfortunately, for Izuku, he is quirkless, as he didn't have any quirks present or ---" the doctor said while being cut off by Inko saying, "Do you hear that Hoshiko, you have a powerful quirk, come on, let's go home," Inko said while leaving the examination room leaving Izuku behind.

"This is why I hate some people," he said while sighing. "Izuku, here is your file, don't worry, you can be a hero in your own way," the doctor said. But, Izuku is now sad as he didn't have a quirk but the doctor's words made him smile a bit. "Here, take this JP¥ 2,000.00 to get you back home safely." the doctor said to Izuku, and Izuku grabs the money and showed his appreciation to the doctor by bowing and leaving the room. "Please Kami, make this kid a hero in his own way," the doctor said.

As Izuku made his way outside to wait for her mom, then he saw his mom's car driving away and not waiting for him at the hospital's entrance. Suddenly, it began to rain and Izuku begins to cry amidst the cold rain.

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