Chapter 3: The Last Straw

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Third-Person Point of View

As Izuku walked on the walkways back to his 'home', he traced back to the conversation earlier that his sister and his friends said to him that he should commit suicide. But, his perseverance to live and reassured himself he wouldn't commit such criminal activity. As Izuku is in his own world trying to fight his mental battle for survival, a mass of slime and sludge quickly covered the unsuspecting boy and smothered him, the only thing Izuku did was reach his arm into the sky and have his last gasp for air, he was inside the slime villain.

Before I collapse into unconsciousness, a loud voice came from the sky and said the following, "Fear not, for I am here!" a giant blonde-haired male screamed as he landed behind the villain as his eyes widened and whispered to himself 'Oh no, All Might, I have to get out,' as hearing his favourite hero's name jolted Izuku back to life but, her struggled and only got his head and his left arm free from the slime.

All Might's arm begins to retract to reserve power and recoiled the arm and said, "Texas Smash" and unleashed a burst of air that created a wind pressure in order to blow both Izuku and the Slime Villain. Izuku then gasped and coughs for air as Izuku was freed from the villain. "You're fine now, young man," All Might said while beginning to jump but Izuku halted him and said the following, "Can I be a hero if I am diagnosed as without having a quirk?" Izuku said.

"No, you can't, as Heroes face dangers all the time. So no, you can't be a Hero without a quirk," All Might said to the poor boy then jumped away. But the recoil of All Might's jump recoiled and the air pushed Izuku on the wall as a part of his spine hurt a bit. But, Izuku's mind is within himself, repeating the words he faced today about not being a hero and committing a heinous act towards himself. 

His dreams were crushed in a day, he stood up, but the ambitious Izuku is now gone and what replaces is a shell of his former self. A blank-eyed Izuku walks slowly home, as soon as he walked towards an alleyway near a corner, he hears his sister talking to his father, and Izuku thought what could a father want to talk with my sister?

"Hoshiko, I have something to confess to you?" Toshinori said. "Dad? What is it that you want to confess?" Hoshiko said. "Well, you see, I am *buffs up* All Might," All Might said. "And I want to train you on how to enhance your power which came from me and your mother." All Might said. "Why not involve Izuku in my training so we can both be heroes?" Hoshiko said in a deceitful tone. "He doesn't have any intelligence and he doesn't have the heart of being a hero." All Might said, "Also, bring young Katsuki and young Shoto next week for your training." he added.

Izuku felt betrayed by his family, and he is desperately holding out his anger and his emotion leaking out so he ran to their house. As he went and opened the door, there is no one there, and went inside his room, which is a single futon bed in the corner, a single broken drawer, and scattered books and notebooks in the room. As Izuku sat on his futon bed, his anger has come out as a crying mess within the room full of sobbing noises until he depart and enter his dreamscape.

After two hours, Hoshiko and her father, Toshinori, went home but, she is still happy that her parents are heroes. but, on the back of her head, she is scared that her brother will become another casualty in the quirkless population or not, so she went to his bare room and slowly opened the squeaky wooden door and saw her brother sleeping soundly, and she thought that her brother will dissolve his dream of being a hero.

Evening came, and the Yagi Family, except Izuku, is in the Dining Room eating a delicious three-course meal and leaving scraps for Izuku to eat. "It's been ten years, how long does he going to keep this phase on him?" Toshinori said angrily, "It will pass, even though it is annoying, and he isn't ours in the first place, we just took him from the hospital, as we didn't have Hoshiko yet." Inko said.

"Wait, Izuku is not my brother?" Hoshiko said, "Yes, he is not your brother, I thought abducting a baby will have a quirk, we didn't know the one we caught doesn't have one. We will have to cast him out of this house as he is an orphan." Inko said annoyingly. "And tomorrow is both of your birthdays, and it will be our second birthday gift from you, Hoshiko," Toshinori said while smiling and patting her daughter's head.

As they were happily talking to themselves, they didn't know that Izuku is on the top of the stairs listening to their plan for tomorrow. As we can see Izuku's emotionless face with glass eyes just stood up and went to his room silently and punched his bed and begins to mutter to himself why is he enduring this fate while being quirkless, which is the most discriminated race among people.

He, then, goes to his bag and takes out two pieces of paper and put it on the ground to write a letter expressing his anger and sadness to his family and friends who keeps tormenting him and his parents for casting him out of the house because he is abducted at such a young age.

- - - - - Contents of the Letter - - - - -

To my Family,

          I am writing this as a farewell, I do not want to be neglected and bullied anymore because I was abducted by you and I am one of the quirkless in the world. You will never find me again, and as you've said earlier while having a fun time earlier at your dinner that casting me out will be a birthday gift for my sister, as I listened to while I'm on the top of the staircase.

          And for my parents, I know that you are heroes, All Might and Green Psyche, as I know that earlier in the alleyways earlier and Green Psyche's suit is always in the laundry room, which is always my bathroom. So, please, do not worry about me as I know that all of you are doing this to create a false image of me.

Your Adopted Son,

- - - - - Contents of the Letter - - - - -

After writing this letter, Izuku just took an opportunity around midnight to get out of the house as silently as possible and left the house will of neglect and torment. As he ran and ran, he is exhausted and made his way into an abandoned alleyway and stayed there until his exhaustion got the best of him and slept immediately on a pile of trash.

Consecutively, a person in a black and white suit saw a green-haired boy running away from his family, as he is going to shrug it, he remembered his objective, to find the missing royal son, and he pursued the boy until he went inside the alleyway. As he waited for the boy to fall asleep, he is messaging the royal family that he might find the royal prince and will text and take a picture of the boy if the royal prince was found.

After an hour, he went inside the abandoned alleyway and found Izuku lying in a stack of soaked cardboard boxes that smelled of ammonia with an unusually strong, putrid smell mixed into it. He walked towards the boy and flashes a miniature light into the side wall and sees that he is the green-haired boy that is the missing royal family.

So, he took a picture of the boy and messaged the royal family about what is the next step, after three minutes of waiting, they messaged him to bring him back to the palace at once and they have already sent a car to retrieve them. The man sighed and said "You are now home, Prince Izuku." to the deaf ears of the skinny green-haired boy which is Izuku.

Izuku's Dormant QuirkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant