Characters (or, Who's Who)

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Main Characters

Katrina Catherine Felinis (Kat)

Feisty, pretty, smart, cool, loyal, kick ass, snarky, and generally awesome. Shifts into an Egyptian Mau or any cat. Has good fashion sense. Hates immature male members of the human species, of whom usually have no brains. (In other words, she hates boys)

Blonde hair with turquoise highlights, piercing green eyes. Slender and tall (about 1.7m tall)

The Womanisers

Modeled after most boys in my class

Philip Daniel Carson

'Prince Charming'. Acts all gentlemanly and chivalrous but really a player. Likes roses. Wears a suit everywhere. Chases any girl he comes across. Shifts into an eagle. Hates being called 'Phil'.
Brown hair, brown eyes. Lean but slightly shorter than everyone else (1.6m)

Josh James Banner
Narcissistic, idiotic jock. This is my most hated character. If he actually existed, I wish he was dead. Chases Kat. Shifts into sharks. I'm sorry, sharks. So, so sorry. You guys are nothing like him. Please forgive me. You guys are cute. He's hideous.
Blonde, curly hair, blue eyes. Muscular and average height (1.65m)

William Evan Olson
The 'bad boy'. Likes heavy metal, wears skull t-shirts, smokes, etc. Not going to go into details here. Do not try this at home. Shifts into a wolf or big dogs. Hates his full name (William).
Black, spiky hair with a streak of yellow. Black, really black eyes. Well-built. Average height. Has yellow teeth (and possibly lung cancer) from smoking.

BONUS CHARACTERS! Based on myself, my friend KeeperofElement (Rachel, who is the devil incarnate) and my other friend chinethecat (Chine the bean). We are so awesome.

Alyssia Alexia Aquariase a.k.a. Lyssia, Acube (my phone has no cube sign) or Lexi

Almost exactly like Kat except quieter. Bibliomaniac (almost!) Based on me!
Stormy grey eyes, black hair. Very, very skinny (I currently weigh 34kg and my BMI is 13.66 = Severely Underweight) and tall (1.68m)

Roselani Ran Paulain a.k.a. Lani or Ran-Ran

Same. Cheekier and louder. Based on Rachel. Also an almost-bibliomaniac :)
Hazel hair with chestnut highlights, chocolate eyes. Average built. Tall (1.68m)

Chloé Agate Tourmaline a.k.a. CAT

Long, straight brown hair and dark eyes. 1.66m tall.
Very kittyish. Huge eyes. Kind of annoying sometimes. Prefers her animal form (a ragdoll cat). Believes (along with Lyssia) that catttssss arrreee myyyyyssssticalll creeeeaaaaturessss...
P.S. Chine, you understand, don't you...

Minor-ish Characters

Maia Alix Dawson

Friendly, helpful Recruiter forever locked in verbal combat with her brother,
Maximilian Albert Dawson De Eduardo Rissone a.k.a. Max
The last three names were added and made up by Max himself. He is also a Recruiter.

P.S. Maia's initials are M.A.D. and Max's are (including the made-up ones) M.A.D.D.E.R.
P.P.S. They are an accurate representation of the siblings.

Tiara Evangeline Ara

A whiny, yelly, screamy (especially screamy) brat who's boy-crazed, she's actually pretty nice once you get to know her (and once she stops trying to cause your ears to bleed).
The daughter of the duke and duchess of Illiadia, Animalia.

Justin W. Hertz does not exist anymore because, according to pastelpinkmacarons, he is an asshole. Sorry for the change.

There are more characters coming up who aren't mentioned here because they will be added a lot later on.

Author's Note: I might accidentally on purpose put in some Singlish (Singapore English) so I'll try to give a glossary or reply to comments if you guys don't understand anything. Thanks for understanding!

P.S. I'm from Singapore, if you haven't already realised. Singapore is so pro.

The Shapeshifters: Book One- Cat out of the BagWhere stories live. Discover now