Living Up To Its Name (or, This Floor Is Frigging Awesome)

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Hello and welcome to my next chapter including pastelpinkmacarons! Sorry the previous onewas too short, but, hey, cliffhangers rock! (Unless I'm the one reading them, that is) I'll write more... later. This chapter is a bit more about her girliness and shows just how much Lyssia (me!) LOVES Pusheen the cat.

P.S. The fat, fluffy quail is real. My mum calls her Margarine. Her name is supposed to be Butter. So... yeah... my mum is weird too.

• Lyssia's POV•

A blonde girl stood in the doorway, shrieking at the top of her lungs. Lani reeled back from the blast of sound that issued forth from the girl who continued her non-stop screaming. I couldn't stand the noise anymore and yelled impulsively, "WILL YOU STOP THAT INFERNAL DIN???" Immediately, the girl stopped and beamed at us, so fast was her change of expression that I thought 'she's bipolar. Must be.' Despite her grin, her blue eyes were cold and calculating. She surveyed Kat, Lani and me up and down, all the while with that fake smile plastered on her face. The three of us just stared back. The blonde girl wore a short baby-pink dress that matched her glossed lips. The simple dress was accentuated with a white cashmere shawl thrown around her shoulders.
What can I say? Budding fashion designer, me. It's become a habit, really.

She placed a manicured hand on her hip as she stared at us coolly, her smoky grey eyelids dropping to half-mast in disdain.

"Oh, ex-cuse me, I was just doing a warm- up. Please get lost now and leave me in peace to complain about this horrible floor in peace!" Then her eyes glazed over and she wailed, "It's absolutely detestable! There isn't a shred of pink to be seen anywhere except for me!"
Whoa, chill, woman. Chill.

She stopped abruptly and blinked at us as if she had just noticed us. Yep. Definitely bipolar.
"I presume you must be here to attend to my ever-important needs. Well, listen carefully, incompetent fools!" And she promptly started her tirade again.
Honestly, all I could think was, pardon my language, WTF???

Kat snapped out of her daze and snarled in the girl's face, "WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY, YOU STUPID BRAT?" Yes! Go! Punish the b- Okay, i think I'll stop here.

The said stupid brat gasped and clapped a hand to her mouth in a show of greatly exaggerated shock. "How dare you address me in such a manner? Do you know who I am?" Without waiting for an answer (which was obviously no) she proclaimed in a snobby voice, "I, Tiara Evangeline Ara, am the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Illiadia! Bow before me, lowly peasants!"

Yes, everyone. That is just how pastelpinkmacarons wants to be. In real life, she has mood swings, but she's not this arrogant. Maybe if she was the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of a random place called Illiadia, then yes. Maybe. But she's not.

This chapter is dedicated to you, girl! Have fun in it!

=^● ⋏ ●^=

Kat really didn't know how she could possess such superhuman power to hold back the urge to slap the bratty blonde b**** silly (more alliteration).

P.S. Yeah, hi. I know you just want to get on with the story but I just want to say:

Pastelpinkmacarons even insisted on spelling 'blonde' instead of blond. She said it was more 'sophisticated'. I did what she wanted in case she went after me with her makeup pouch, oh, sorry, her makeup suitcase. That thing is scary, I tell you. NEVER anger her. NEVER.

OK, where were we? Oh, yes, the revelation of the extent of Lyssia's Pusheen obsession. (And for those who don't know who Pusheen is, she is an amazingly cute, fat cat)

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