Prom Night ( or, Why Kat Is Up So Early )

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Kat set off through the streets, her hair gleaming in the dim light. She had gotten up so early to avoid the usual crowd of boys who would chase after her on the way to school. Particularly today, because it would be Prom Night and the boys would be even more desperate than usual to go out with her. One boy had even gone to the extent that he rented the apartment beside hers. Insane much?!

She smiled to herself as she remembered hearing her neigbour's snores through her bedroom walls. Thank God boys are slobs, she thought smugly.

As Kat turned a corner, she touched her ever-present headphones lightly, a seemingly innocent action. However, the next moment, she jumped clear just as a hand reached out to pull her into a white truck. Emblazoned on the side were the words 'Shifters - We move anything!' She stared in amazement. Was that just a coincidence or did it mean what she was thinking it meant? (spoiler: yeah, it did) The van's engine juddered to a halt as it pulled up at the curb in front of her.

A girl and a (ugh) boy stepped out of the van, the girl extending her hand to Kat. "Hey, I'm Maia. That pig in a wig is Max. Although I know it's damn hard to believe, were siblings. Just clearing that up, so you won't ask questions or act shocked later." She said it all in a rush, so fast Kat almost couldn't process it. Other than the 'pig in a wig' part. That she got.

=^● ⋏ ●^=

A few minutes later, they had gone nowhere. Still in the exact same place. Except Maia and Max were arguing. Loudly. And Maia was winning. (what do you expect, huh? Go, girl!)
"It's all your damn fault you tried to use force! I mean, oh, of course I'll trust you guys after you tried to stuff me headfirst into a speeding van, and I'll just ignore the fact that you're most likely kidnappers? Seriously, Max? We girls are not as dumb as you boys are!" Maia yelled in Max's face, jabbing her finger into his chest for further dramatic effect.
Max swatted her hand away and retorted, "Well, surprise, surprise! I guess there was really no way you could be as dumb as you look, that's for sure!"
Maia glared furiously at him. "Why, you puffed-up, arrogant b-"
Kat interrupted impatiently, "Look, I trust you guys, okay? I. Trust. You. So can we get a bloody move on already? You've been bickering for half an hour!"
The two stared at her for a moment, then bundled her into the van. Kat landed in a heap on the floor and groaned, "You know, the way you guys handle your recruits, it's no wonder they think you're kidnappers."
Maia slid into the driver's seat and smiled brightly, adjusting the rearview mirror. "Well, we're half an hour behind schedule, so I hope you don't mind a little speed!"
Max clambered in next to her and muttered, "What she means by 'a little speed' is 'hold on to your guts and their contents'. The golden rule when driving with Maia is 'don't eat beforehand'." Kat laughed nervously and strapped on her seatbelt. "Well, at least our deaths'll be quick and painless!" She quipped, making Maia scowl. "Look what you've done, doofus, she doesn't trust us anymore." Max opened his mouth to reply but Kat hurriedly gasped, "Maia, just drive, please, I don't think I can stand you people arguing for another minute." The other girl smiled and revved the engine. "Boy, am I glad you said that! Full speed ahead!"
Kat really regretted eating breakfast.

=^● ⋏ ●^=

They had already explained most of the situation to Kat and this was what she'd gotten so far:

-Maia and Max are Recruiters (which means they recruit students for the Academy

-They are what she thought they were, which is to say, Shifters,

-They come from Animalia Academy, which trains Shifters

-Apparently she's a totally awesome Shifter and she's going to a magical land where the Academy is.


The Shapeshifters: Book One- Cat out of the BagWhere stories live. Discover now