The Initiation® (or, Thank God That's Ov- Hang On, What's This?)

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"My room is amazing!"
Lani exclaimed, surprisingly well-recovered from her earlier swoon (and the shock of discovering live Pusheens). Lyssia was also in high spirits (you can guess why). It seemed like Kat was the only one miserable, but she couldn't help it. A bad premonition hung over her like a dark cloud, gnawing at the back of her mind persistently.
Little did she know how right she was.


The three girls jolted upright, staring out of the kitchen in surprise. "What the..." Kat muttered, accidentally spilling her drink. She swore softly, then looked up.
"That is someone knocking at the door, for sure," said Lyssia, "but why didn't they ring the doorbell?" Lani prodded her on the head. "Because, we don't have a doorbell, bodoh!" Lyssia poked Lani in the side in retaliation. Kat sighed at their childishness and went to get the door.

When she approached the living room, however, the door was wide open, a pair of stilettos were lying on the carpet, (oh, the horror!) books were scattered around the room, and (the even worse horror) Tiara Evangeline Ara was seated in one of the cushy armchairs, reading short extracts from books and then tossing them aside with a disgusted look on her face. A look that was mirrored exactly, if not more potently, on Kat's face.

I am typing with phone so it will take damn long.
But it will be worth it.
You'll see.
And I'll get my revenge at last... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA

Kat stood dumbfounded for exactly 3 seconds before practically pouncing on the girl and tackling her to the floor, all the while screaming profanities in her face.
Kat: What the hell are you doing????
Tiara: Slating these books for extermination, duh! There's no romance in them at all.
Kat: (sarcastically) Whoa, I'm surprised you had enough brainpower to say that! Ex-ter-mi-na-tion, hmmm? 4 whole syllables! Must be such an achievement for you!
Tiara: Grrrr!

Lani and Lyssia appeared in front of them almost immediately, shock and horror showing plainly on their faces. Lani yelped, "What the f-" before Lyssia automatically smacked a hand over her mouth. "Language!" She chided, still staring at Kat and Tiara, so the whole scene was incredibly comical (save for those poor mutilated books).
So it was unsurprising to hear peals of laughter. The surprising part was where the laughter was coming from. Kat pushed herself up so that she was sitting on the carpet and let go of Tiara. She cast her gaze towards the doorway, where a tall lady with long, white-blonde hair was standing, her slim figure shaking with laughter. Tiara gasped, "H-Headmistress Risa! I had no idea-" she was cut off by the woman holding up her hand. "I know. That is why I came up. Tiara, please restore the books to their original state."
"O- of course."
Kat smirked at the blonde girl's unusually meek demeanour. She turned back to the headmistress, quirking an eyebrow questioningly. If the latter was disturbed by Kat's brazenly shown lack of fear or, indeed, respect for authority, she did not show it. Indeed, a small smile even played on her lips as she answered the questioning looks in everyone's eyes.
"Firstly, welcome to Animalia Academy, Katrina, Alyssia, Roselani and Tiara. As you now know, I am the Headmistress, Nerisa Intrisiace Edelle. Please call me Risa. I normally do not personally welcome studemts, but I like to take strolls through the school, and happened to pass by your dormitory, and hear the racket you were making."
At this, everyone bowed their heads sheepishly.
"I came here to convey some news that will undoubtedly be well-received." Risa paused, smiling at the expectant looks on the girls' faces. "Tiara, you will be moving to the Pink Floor with Kyra, Amie and Chanelle. But..." The rest of her words were drowned out by the cheering that followed. The Headmistress did not look perturbed by the wave of noise but instead beamed at everyone.
"YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" Lani and Lyssia screamed exultantly, jumping up and down like crazy people. Kat joined in without hesitation and punched the air. "THIS IS AWESOOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" A scream blasted out of Tiara's mouth, making Kat's ears ring alarmingly. She yelled to the others, "At this rate, we're gonna go deaf! Thank god she's moving out!" Everyone, even Tiara herself, convulsed with mirth at that exclamation.

After they had recovered from their hysterics, Headmistress Risa clapped her hands, causing a pile of fluffy blue luggage to appear. The three girls stared at it, with Lani muttering, "Whose are those? Surprises are becoming commonplace here." Risa smiled. "Those are your new roommate's! I trust you will get on well with Chloé. She will be up in a while now. Oh, and this is very important." Upon saying that, she gave Kat a creamy envelope with a blue wax seal emblazoned with the head of a unicorn. "This is your instructions for the Initiation. Everything you need should be in there." After those mysterious parting words, she whisked away.

Lyssia groaned. "Why won't anyone tell us anything?"

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