Random Things (or, If No One's Gonna Tell Us Anything, Then...)

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YAS THIS IS ACTUALLY UPDATED AND EDITED!!!! I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF. This is dedicated to chine_the_cat (hi, bean) who is an incredibly weird and awesome friend. And who is also a jelly human.

• Kat's POV •
"Okay. Now this is an actually surprising surprise."
Which was what I said when I spread out the sheet of paper that was found folded up in the envelope the Head had given us. A cryptic poem was written on it in a graceful, slanting hand:

The library holds the next clue

Bring this document with you

Seek out what you've always known

Find the book that's bound by bone

Read the truth that is most deep

A secret you will always keep

If you are truly of the Light

Join the Shifters, join the fight.

"Whoa. Deep stuff here." Lani sardonically commented. "What is it with these people? It won't kill them to just actually tell us in detail what the heck is going on, right? I mean, seriously?" I chuckled at her vehemence and expected Lyssia to do the same, given that she shared Lani's sarcastic, biting humour. When no response came, I turned my head, seeing her staring into space, dreamily mumbling to herself. I tapped her shoulder. "Hey, you OK? Lyssia?" I peered into her eyes concernedly. "I think she's gone mad from Pusheen fever!" Lani joked, giggling to herself.
Lyssia glared at her. Oh, look, she perks up at the sound of 'Pusheen'. "I just... remembered something, OK? Look, this is important!" Lyssia said, "I kinda remember that I've heard of this book before. It's called the Book of Bones."

We stared at her, no longer laughing. "Where the heck did you hear that?" we asked in unison, then slapping a high five. She shrugged. "I, um, eavesdropped on some adults talking. I think they were teachers. They were saying, I think," she mimicked something that sounded uncannily like a German accent. "One person said 'I wonder how well these new arrivals will find the Initiation, especially the Book of Bones.' Then the other guy said 'They will never get anything more than a simple pass. The Book never truly accepts any Shifter, other than those we know of currently.' Then I felt guilty and went away." She looked expectantly at the others. "So...?"
I paused. "You do a good German accent."
Lyssia smiled, but requested more useful opinions. Lani snapped her fingers. "So it's like some weird book version of the Sorting Hat? Except it just 'accepts' you into the Academy instead of putting you into houses."
Lyssia nodded. "That's what I thought. So, plans?"
Lani opened her mouth to say something but I, having the good sense and initiative to look at the paper again, interrupted.
"Guys, there's more stuff written here."
They crowded around the paper again. Below the rhyme/riddle there were a few lines in the same writing:

Before you follow the instructions, which are part of Phase Two, please note that you will be required to go through Phase One first.
Phase One consists of three categories:
- Social Skills, which will be conducted during the Bienvenue Danse,
- Combat and Power Skills
- Survival Skills, which will be conducted in a Situation Setting,

Phase One will start next week, Sunday. The Bienvenue Danse will be at 8 o' clock, in the Great Hall. Dress code formal elegant.

Everyone gaped at the sheet of paper. "T- that dance????? A freaking dance? Oh godohgod I'll dieI'lldieeee!!!!!!" Lani wailed, while Lyssia looked like she was going to puke anytime. I massaged my temples, thinking silently, If there is just one more freaking surprise this place throws at me, I swear I will have a heart attack, dammit. And considering that today is Saturday, we have like one week to do tons of shit. Out loud I announced, "This is way too stressful. Let's just chill for a bit."
This proposal was agreed to and quickly put to action.
Which really means that Lyssia sat on the fluffy armchair to read, Lani plugged in her earplugs to her phone and listened to music and I had a catnap (catnap geddit? Ha ha ha ha ha ha) on the other fluffy chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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