You're My Bae! (or, You Know That's Danish For Poop, Right?)

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I have done the same for this chapter as chapter 13 so... yeah.

Lani was brimming with excitement. She couldn't stop talking to the new girl and rambled on about... heck, she didn't even know what she was talking about. It was like she had no control over her mouth. She finally clammed up when Lyssia shot her a Look, the one that said 'if you don't stop talking right damn now I swear you will kena sai'. The new girl heaved a relieved sigh and commented, "Thank God! I think my eardrums have ruptured!" Lyssia laughed. Lani rolled her eyes but felt kinda embarrassed anyway.
Meanwhile, Lyssia the ever-rational one, was explaining what had happened. "Lani's an equestrian Shifter, but you probably Shift into a cat, looking at your features. We get to share a room, so that's why Lani was shooting her mouth off." At that point, Lani glared daggers at Lyssia but the latter just smirked.
Lani ignored her and chipped in, "If you didn't have any luggage with you the Recruiters will go and send it over, just tell them what you want. They know your address." Now Lyssia glared at Lani and hissed, "I wanted to say that!" However, she was cut off when the girl said, "Ummm, it's been good meeting you gals but, seriously, I don't even know your names...?"
Lyssia exclaimed, "Oh, yeah, well, I'm Alyssia but call me Lyssia, and-" Lani interrupted before Lyssia could introduce her. "I'm Roselani, calling me Lani is fine." The girl looked a bit bemused by their introductions but said, "I'm Katrina and you better call me Kat unless you want a kick up the ass." They all laughed and Lani said, "Her I like." This evoked more laughter from the group, until they heard footsteps coming towards them.

=^● ⋏ ●^=

The trio looked up to see a group of boys grinning at them; or, more specifically, at Kat. Lyssia did a quick overview. There were 3 boys:
Middle one - blond, cocky, football jersey = jock guy
Left one - spiky hair, tattoos, black clothes = bad guy
Right one - suit and tie even though it's damn freaking hot out here, and is he holding a rose?! = insane guy
Conclusion: They're all idiots.

Lyssia, as usual, was totally right. The moment the girls glanced up, the cocky blond one grinned and said, "Hey, bae!" Then, as if he had only just noticed Lani and Lyssia, he altered his sentence. "Uh, hey, baes!" It made absolutely no difference. Each word was still stupid, moronic and made as much sense as a guy wearing makeup and a dress. Just saying, you know... anyway, Lyssia whispered, "Isn't 'bae' Danish for 'poop'?" Lani answered in the same soft tone, "You know the weirdest useful things."

Kat, who had heard them, snarled at the boys, "Did you just insult me? I am having a hell of a shitty day and I will not hesitate to kill each of you doofi very slowly. Now piss off and don't let us see you again, or else." They backed away from the girls' fierce glare and took to their heels. Kat watched them go, a smile growing on her face. "Now that was wonderfully satisfying."

It was indeed.

=^● ⋏ ●^=

Kat's POV

The girls collapsed with mirth when they saw the three idiots run off. "Oh, god, that was so awesome," Lani chortled. Lyssia grinned, showcasing perfectly straight, white teeth.
Lani stopped laughing and stared, a silly look on her face. "Lyss, why... why are your teeth so..." Lyssia stared back at Lani in shock. "Oh, damn," she gasped, covering her mouth. I had no idea what was going on but it was pretty funny.
When I laughed, they looked at me like I was insane. Lani turned back to Lyssia. "You owe me precisely how much?" Lani cackled evilly. Lyssia swore and dug out a very fat pouch the shape of a very fat cat. I sighed. "Look, are you guys gonna tell me anything?" Lani held up a hand. "Wait, we're conducting a business transaction." Lyssia grimaced. "God, this is the worst thing I've ever done other than look at your face."
Lani shot back, "Hey, my face isn't a mirror,  you know."

I chuckled in admiration. These girls could've been me, with all that sass. Other than that they were about one or two years younger and Asian and also looked nothing like me.
Speaking of looks, I gazed at the girls. Lyssia was counting out coins one by one while Lani looked pissed off. Hmm, I wonder why. Maybe they'll tell me, once they complete their their 'business transaction' so important we have to sit in front of a castle to do it. How fun.

Lyssia had an abundance of midnight black hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back like a waterfall. Stray strands stuck out here and there, curling up at the ends. Her dark eyes were sort of a dark grey, or a light black. She was tall, and had super long eyelashes, but was really skinny. I surreptitiously compared her arms with Lani's. Dang, that girl is a frigging toothpick!
Lani had hazel hair with chestnut highlights, curling in towards her face. Her dark chocolate eyes were narrowed at Lyssia, who had started to look smug. She was average built (not as skinny as Lyssia, that's for sure. But she did have less hair than her.)

Me? I have fawn hair with turquoise highlights and awesome green eyes. My hair, like Lyssia's, curls slightly at the ends.

Just then, an earsplitting yell just about, um, I don't know, caused me to go deaf? Lani was sitting up and glaring at Lyssia. "Gahhhhh!" She wailed, flinging what seemed to be a handful of coins onto the ground. Lyssia grumbled as she picked up the coins, but she was smiling in satisfaction. I opened my mouth to ask a question.


Lani answered it. "She- you- are so annoying, dammit!" Lyssia continued to pick up the coins, stacking them into a little pile. I think she has mild OCD. "You know what she did? (Directed at me, with a furious glare at the she in question, who happened to be still on the ground, picking coins) Hah? You know or not? (Um, no...?) She loses a bet, owes me 10 freaking dollars, and she gives them to me in 10-CENT COINS."
I looked at Lyssia, then Lani, then Lyssia again. "Did you plan this?"
She nodded. I high-fived her. Lani glowered. "Hey!"

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