Animalia Academy (or, No More Maths!)

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Maia and Max spent the whole van ride arguing, and Kat tried in vain to get them to stop, but it was completely hopeless. It seemed that the more worked up she got about it the more passionate the siblings became. She eventually resolved to let them be - let's face it, they're entertainment, and what else can you do on a van ride? Kat amused herself with staring out of the windows, looking at the scenery that rapidly changed from city to country.

Suddenly, she heard... um... nothing. Silence. Loud silence. She realised that Maia and Max had stopped arguing and we're staring straight ahead. Kat leaned forward and squinted in the dim light of the forest they'd just entered. She could just make out a huge tree... that they were hurtling right towards.

"WHAT THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING????" She screamed at Maia, who was clutching the steering wheel and pressing her foot on the accelerator (even more than she had been earlier). "IT'S A FREAKING TREE!!!!" She frantically jiggled the door handles but the van was locked. Maia yelled back over the roar of the engine, "Calm down! It's not just a tree!" But Kat didn't listen and crouched down, bracing herself.
She peeked over the seats and saw the tree getting closer, closer, closer... she could see the bark on the tree... the gross crawly bugs... the little leaves... was that a maggot?!
She squeezed her eyes shut and braced for impact as they rushed towards their death.


=^● ⋏ ●^=

The Shapeshifters: Book One- Cat out of the BagWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt