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Hello! Welcome wonderful nerds to my book.

Before we begin, there are a few things you must know.

My name is Anthony-Max, but you can call me Ant or Antosaurus.

This is not my first one shot book or fanfiction, I have been writing fanfiction for 5 years or so. It is, however, my first Stranger Things fanfiction.

I am FTM transgender, something I am very proud of. I don't see many trans people represented in fanfiction, so I often include side characters or create a trans character x reader alternative story if that aspect is relevant to the character. TRANSPHOBIA WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

This book will include smut, fluff, angst and anything in between. I will label every chapter necessary with trigger warnings to avoid anybody being uncomfortable reading my work.

A lot of my ships are LGBTQIA+, and once again, I will not tolerate any forms of homophobia, biphobia, lesbiphobia etc. Respect other people and you will always be welcome to read my books.

If you are a fan of the mcu/yelena belova/florence pugh, I have a one-shot book already up surrounding Yelena. Give it a read if that is something you think you might enjoy! I am also working on other mcu and stranger things stories that I will be publishing in the near future!

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this book!

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