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modern au, adults. TW for homophobia, homophobic slurs, harassment.

It was 2am and Max Mayfield was leaving a party with her girlfriend Eleven. They had waited to sober up slightly before leaving since they wanted to walk home. They walked hand in hand, laughing and kissing one another in their still slightly intoxicated state. 

'You're so sexy you know.' Max slurred into her girlfriend's ear.

'Max!' Eleven replied in a shocked yet excited tone.

'I mean it. Just look at you.'

'I love you Max Mayfield.' 

'I love you more.'

'Hey boys, look at that! Two little fags all alone.' The girls heard a man's voice in the distance. 

'Ignore them.' El mumbled quietly, partially speaking to her girlfriend but also to herself.

'Hey ladies! Over here!' Another boy shouted as the group approached the couple. One boy had a large stature and dark brown hair, with black eyes. He was skinny yet towering in height, Eleven estimated he must've been about 7 feet tall. Next to him was a man shorter than him, about 5 foot 7, with strawberry blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing all black, but not in a fashionable sense, literally just a black shirt and black tracksuit pants. Behind him was a man who reminded Max very much of her deceased brother Billy. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and long dirty blonde curls tucked behind his ear. He was cladded head-to-toe in leather and denim. He clearly worked out too, as his muscles bulged against the tight clothing. Finally, a short and grumpy looking man stood at the front. He too was smoking a cigarette, and had a half-drunk bottle of vodka occupying his other hand. 

'Well well well, what do we have here?' said the grumpy man.

'Two people minding their own business?' Max said, rather angrily.

'Woah listen to that boys, the ginger one speaks!' laughed the boy who reminded Max of Billy. She sighed and took El's hand, trying to walk away.

'I don't think so.' came the voice of the tallest boy, who blocked the girls exit by standing in front of them.

'We don't want any trouble-' El said in almost a whisper, her voice trembling with fear.

'Then you shouldn't be doing fag stuff openly in the middle of the street should you?' laughed the boy in all black.

'Look jerks. Leave us alone. Is your life that insignificant that you have to take out all of your pent-up and unjustified hatred out on two innocent strangers simply minding their own business? People like you are the absolute scum of the earth. Now let us go or I'm calling the cops.' Max yelled at the group. The men froze and slowly shifted away, snickering to themselves about the redheads sudden outburst. Max dragged her girlfriend away from the men, her face as red as her hair.

'We only wanted a threesome!' The tall man shouted to the girls who were now halfway down the street.

'Fuck off!' Max shouted almost immediately in response.

'You're ugly anyways!' Shouted the boy in all black.

'That's not what your mom said last night!' Max yelled, and then began to run, slightly afraid that her comment may have re-angered the group.

When the couple arrived home, Max set a very shaken El on the sofa.

'Mouth breathers.' El muttered under her shaky breath.

'Totally.' Max replied with a smile and handed her a glass of water.

'I hate humans sometimes.' El sighed.

'Me too, humans suck.' Max agreed as she pulled her girlfriend onto her lap. 'You're safe now though. If we see them again I will call the cops I swear.'

'You handled it really well.' El smiled softly, placing a kiss on her girlfriends cheek.

'I know, right? I'm so badass.'

'So badass.' El chuckled as she snuggled down into her girlfriends lap and dozed off to sleep.


Hey nerds. Hope you're all doing well. Just hopping on to remind you all that I do take requests! I've got a tad bit of writer's block right now, so any ideas are greatly appreciated. Love you all <3

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