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very fluffy. i love fluff. i was listening to taylor swift love songs while writing this so that is definitely why this chapter is so fluffy. enjoy. there is a tad bit of smut and angst too, but mainly fluff.

'shhhh... don't let them hear us.' Max whispered to her girlfriend El as they made out in the kitchen of the Byers' home.

'I love you so much.' El whispered between kisses. She felt the redhead smile against her lips.

'I love you more.'

The two continued to make out in silence for a few more minutes, before footsteps could be heard entering the kitchen, causing the girls to pull away from one another and pretend they were minding their own business.

'Hey, El?' the familiar voice of Will Byers came from the doorway,

'Oh hi.' the brunette girl responded.

'Hop wants you in the living room.'

As El started to leave, Max shot her a wink, causing her to giggle.

Max remained quiet as Mike Wheeler entered the kitchen and kissed Will gently. The two boys had been dating for 4 months now, and were very much an adorable couple. Max couldn't help but feel jealous of their public affection. All she wanted to do was kiss her girlfriend and shout about it everywhere, but El wasn't ready, and she respected that.

'Max?' her train of thought was cut off by Mike's voice.

'Oh uh, hey yeah, what?'

'You've been staring into space for a good five minutes.' Will chimed in.

'Have I?'

'Yup.' said Mike with a concerned tone. 'Everything okay?'

'Yeah of course, everything's good.'

'Okay... well, if you need anything just let us know.'

*time jump - that night*

'I love you so so much.' El said as her girlfriend kissed her neck.

'God I love you more it drives me insane.'

'I love being your secret.' El giggled. Max just smiled as she continued to kiss up and down her body.

In all honesty, Max didn't mind some people not knowing. She knew for a fact Hopper would not let her sleep over if he knew they were dating... if he knew the things they did when they were alone. She was glad he didn't realise, it gave her even more private time with her beautiful girlfriend.

'When is your dad coming home?' Max said as she took off El's shirt.

'His shift finishes at 9:30pm.' the brunette replied with a gentle moan.

'Good, we've got time.'

And time is exactly what the girls lost track of. They both lay naked, kissing one another with the utmost passion, when suddenly they hear the front door unlock.

'Shit my dad's home.' 

The two scrambled to get dressed as quickly as possible as Hopper knocked on the bedroom door.

'Come in!' El said out of breath.

'Hey girls- wow you're sweaty.'

'Yeah we were just doing karaoke.' Max defended.

'Great.' Hop smiled.

'How was work?' El asked, trying to deflect the attention off of her and Max.

'Tiring. I'm gonna crash now, I've left some money on the kitchen counter for you both to order pizza.'

'Thanks dad.' El smiled as she got up to hug her father. 'Love you.'

'Love you too kiddo.' Hop smiled. 'Night Max, always a pleasure to have you here.'

'Goodnight.' Max replied, pretending to read a comic book as the man left.

As soon as the door shut, the two girls burst into fits of giggles.

*time jump - midnight*

'You're the most beautiful girl i've ever met.' Max whispered gently as she played with her girlfriends hair.

'Don't lie' El replied with a smile.

'I'm not, i swear! You're stunning. I can't breathe properly when I'm around you. There's no one on earth who compares to you El.' The redhead defended before placing a gentle kiss on her girlfriend's lips.

'Goodnight Max.' El said as she snuggled into her.

'Night beautiful.'

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