all too well

692 8 10

ANGST. SMUT. El = 20, Max = 21. Modern AU.


Max's perspective:

She's at Mike Wheeler's house. On our anniversary. I sip the wine in my hand as a tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and check my phone. 5 minutes to midnight.

I had set up a huge anniversary meal for me and El a few hours ago, expecting her to be home from her father's house around the time I had finished. Now it's 5 minutes- 4 minutes to midnight, and she is at her ex-boyfriend's house. I can't do this right now.

I take another sip of my wine. It tastes bitter, dry. I feel bitter and dry too.

I hear the door open and brush the tears away from my cheek as I pause the girl in red album I was listening to.

'What time do you call this?' I ask, trying to hide the shake in my voice.

'Sorry, I should've called.' my girlfriend says. Her lipstick is smudged. Her hair is messy. She fucked Mike Wheeler.

'Happy anniversary to you too.' I say as the tears escape my eyes once again and I throw the gift I spent hours making at her.

'It was yesterday.' She says dryly.

'No. It's today.'



'No, it was yesterday. You spent the whole day at Lucas'.'

'Excuse me, don't twist things. First of all, it's today. Second of all, the only reason I spent yesterday at Lucas' was because he was helping make the anniversary gift I made for you.'


'yeah, oh.'

We stand in silence for what feels like years. I struggle to keep my tears in, and decide there's no point anymore. She's seen me at my lowest when my brother died, she can see me feeling the pain she's inflicted on me. 

I fall onto the sofa and let myself sob as she stands there. Sure, it might not have been the best idea to get my ex-boyfriend to help me make an anniversary gift for my current girlfriend, but that gives her no right to go and kiss her ex-boyfriend. No right.

I see her open the gift. It's one of those cheesy cardboard record players with a spotify playlist link inside like you see on Pinterest. Call me cringey, but I thought it was sweet. The playlist has all of her favourite songs on it. She glances past me and sees the meal I set up for her.


'What Eleven? What?' I snap, my face bright red. You might think that's mean of me, but fuck i'm so mad right now.

'I'm so sorry, I thought it was yesterday. I thought you blew me off for Lucas.'

'Even if I did, why the fuck would you go and fuck Mike???? THat's not okay, it's not right, it's not fair.'

'I know I know, I'm so so sorry.'

She sits next to me, and even though she's the worst person in the whole world in my head right now, I feel myself lay on her. I cry into her shoulder, heavy. I'm having a panic attack. I haven't had a panic attack since high school. 

'Max. Hey hey hey Max. Breathe darling, breathe. Please love.' El says as she takes my hand. I know it's in my best interest to listen to her, so I do.

'Good. That's good. Try to follow my breathing, okay? In through your nose and out through your mouth, just like that.'

I start to feel my breathing calm slightly. I stare at the photo from our prom on the mantle. She looks stunning. Even now as I look at her next to me, she looks stunning.

'Good baby, you're safe you're okay.'

I don't know why, but all I can think about is kissing my girlfriend. So I do. 

She kisses back immediately, and it quickly becomes passionate. Heavy. 

'Why do I want you so bad right now?' I ask breathily. She smiles.

'Because you're angry, you want to fuck the anger out of yourself.'

'Come on then. I need you El.'

She kisses me again and I pull her shirt off. She looks so pretty in just a bra. 

I kiss the top of her breasts as she moans gently. There's hickeys from both me and Mike there already. I suck where Mike has as El moans.

'Am I better than him?'

'So much better.' She sighs heavily.

About two hours later we finish up and I lay next to her by the fire on the living room floor. She's naked, sweaty, and smiling. I wish we could've spent the whole day like this.

'I love you.' she whispers into my neck.

'I love you more.' I smile.

'Does that mean you forgive me?'


I feel her smile on my neck as she places little kisses on it. I wish I could spend forever like this, I feel like a teenager again. It feels like our first time again. On El's bedroom floor at Hopper's cabin, listening to Taylor Swift. She looked so beautiful, just as she does now. I'm reminded of just how in love I am with my El. I'd do anything to go back to our first time again. Anything. 

'God you're beautiful.' I say, basking in the affection. If she wasn't red already i'm sure she'd be blushing.

'Oh Max.' she whispers in my ear.

'hm?' I smile.

'I'm so lucky.' 

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