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TW // light smut, mentions of homophobia.

From the moment Max Mayfield laid her eyes on the mysterious Eleven she knew there was something different about her. Max had felt an instant attraction to the girl, despite her initial envy of her prior to their meeting. Of course, Max knew her step-brother Billy would taunt the shit out of her if he ever found out she was experiencing feelings towards a girl. She'd seen him beat a boy up one time for staring at him in a "gay way" and really did not want herself or El to earn the same treatment. So, she began pursuing a relationship with Lucas Sinclair.

Max loved Lucas, and genuinely cared for him as much as any girlfriend would care about her boyfriend, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about what it would feel like to hold El. Really hold her. Kiss her. Touch her. Feel-

"Maaaax." The redheads thoughts were interrupted by Robin Buckley. 

"Uh, yeah, what?"

"You were staring into nothingness again." Robin replied with a smile. 

Max admired Robin more than most people. She was out to her closest friends, mainly the party and Steve, and she was dating Mike's sister Nancy. Nancy was much quieter about the relationship, but everyone understood, and Robin never pressured her into anything. 

"Shit, sorry." Max replied, playing with her bracelet.

"Hey red, you okay?" came the voice of Steve Harrington. It seemed to Max that Steve had become the big brother of the party. He always knew when something was up. She saw him as what she wished Billy was.

"Yeah, fine. Thanks."

"Hmmm I dunno. Robin, should we believe her?" Steve teased. Max really couldn't be assed with his games today.

"I'm not sure." Robin responded. "She seems very gloomy." 

Max looked up to the sight of the girl pouting, making her chuckle slightly.

"Seriously. I'm good. Just... tired."

"Well. sleep then." Steve answered bluntly.

"Wow, never thought of that, thanks for the advice." the redhead replied sarcastically.


Eleven was the happiest she'd ever been. She was now legally Hopper's daughter, a fact that instantly brought a smile to her face whenever she was reminded of it. She was also living with the Byers', something she was very much enjoying. She was always entertained by Jonathan, absolutely loved Joyce, and she saw Will as like a brother. Now that Will was dating her ex, Mike Wheeler, life somehow was less awkward. She was still unsure on how she never picked up on Will's endless pining. But there was one thing she couldn't seem to get off her mind...

Max Mayfield.

El wasn't sure if it was okay for girls to date girls, because Nancy didn't want to tell anybody that she was dating Robin. She thought it would be a good idea to ask her dad.

"Dad." She announced as she entered the living room, where Hopper was snuggled up with Joyce watching a movie.

"Oh hey kiddo." Hop smiled as he sat up, removing his arm from around Joyce' shoulders to allow himself to turn to his daughter.

"I would like to ask you a question."

"Sure. Fire away."

Before El could ask, Joyce perked up slightly.

"Would you like me to stay?" the older woman asked with a kind smile.

El suddenly remembered how Hopper reacted to her first relationship, and quickly nodded. Joyce sat back with an encouraging smile.

"I just wanted to ask if it's okay for girls to like girls." the brunette asked without hesitation. 

Both Joyce and Hopper looked taken aback by the question. This worried El.

"Uh. Some people would say no." Hop said cautiously, before Joyce jumped in.

"But we don't mind. Just like how my Will is dating Mike. Some people would disagree with that. But me and your father honey, we don't mind at all. Why do you ask? Is there something you'd like to talk about?" 

El loved how caring Joyce was.

"Um. Yes, I think. I'm not su-"

"Don't worry kiddo. We can talk when you're ready." Hop smiled.

"Yes, we're always here for you." Joyce added.

El hugged them both and went back to her room where Will waited.

"You like Max." He stated.

"How do you-"

"It's obvious. It's cute." Will smiled. "I called her, she's coming to sleep over."


The boy laughed.

"Talk to her about it! I'm sure she'll feel the same. I've seen the way she looks at you. Just, talk about it with her."

Eleven sighed as she threw a pillow at him.

-----------*later that night*--------------

"-and then he said that if I didn't get the homework completed by Monday then he'd put me in detention for the rest of the month! He's so fucking dumb." Max complained.

"Yeah... dumb."

"Are you okay?" The redhead smiled, tilting her head.

"Yea- oh the music stopped."

"Can I choose?" Max smiled. El thought her smile was adorable.

"Yes. Of Course."

Max made her way towards El's record player, placing 'Hounds of Love' by Kate Bush down on the turntable. She had bought El the record for Christmas because it was her favourite, and she didn't want to have to keep bringing her copy over every time they hung out.

"Bush lady? Again?" El laughed, causing Max to smile.

"Do not disrespect Kate Bush like that."

Eleven couldn't help but stare at Max's lips. They looked soft. She bet they tasted like eggos. Everything that tasted good tasted like eggos, and Max's lips definitely tasted good.

"El. You're staring. Again." Max said, pretty loudly. But she didn't seem angry.

"I- I am sorry. I just... you look... it is... you are-" Max cut the brunette off with laughter.

"What is funny?" Eleven asked with a furrowed brow."

"You." Max answered. "If you want to kiss me just say."

"I want to kiss you." El replied with confidence, taking Max's reply as an invitation.

Max, however, was clearly not expecting that answer.

"Oh. oh. o-okay. You... really? But you're so pretty I didn't think you would-"

Suddenly El's lips were on hers. Without hesitation, Max's hands made their way to El's waist as she fell on top of the adorable brunette, both of them giggling. They could feel the smiles on each other's faces as El tangled a hand in Max's hair and opened her mouth a little wider. Max took this as a signal to enter El's mouth, and gently slipped her tongue in, causing the brunette to moan quietly. Max smiled once again, carefully pulling away after a few more pecks.

Eleven laughed with a sigh.


"I know right." Max giggled. "That was such a relief, you have no idea how long I've wanted to that."

"Really???" El asked, shocked.


The brunette smiled, "me too."

Once again, Max was on top of El, lips together, and smiles wide. They both looked forward to the night ahead.

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