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Requested by 123ekkkkk

Modern AU // Musician Max AU

Max sat backstage with her friends. She was performing at the biggest arena in Hawkins, and whilst her music had only just began taking off, she had sold out.

"Max, Dustin won't let me play with the microphones." Lucas whined, Dustin fiddling with the mics.
"Yeah dipshit because he's not playing with them, he's changing their battery." Max sighed as she scrolled through social media. El laughed, making her way to Max's side.

"Hey." El smiled. Max felt her heart begin to race. She had been madly in love with El since they met, and everyday her obsession grew and grew. The only people who knew about it were Steve and Robin. Initially, she had only told the latter, but Steve managed to annoy her so much about keeping secrets from him that she had to confess to him too.

"Hi." Max smiled, putting her phone down and turning to face El.
"I am so proud of you." the brunette smiled. Max felt her cheeks get warm.
"Wait, really?" stuttered the redhead.
"Yes." El said. "Very proud."
"W-well thank you, that means... more than you could imagine."

El giggled and kissed Max on the cheek before walking away. Max froze, before hearing Steve and Robin giggle in the corner. She turned to them and threw her shoe at them.

"What the hell?" Steve sighed as it hit him in the head, making Robin laugh louder.
"Shut up Harrington." Max said, trying to hide her smirk.

"And now, taking to the stage, Hawkin's very own... Max Mayfield!" the announcer called.

"Shit I'm starting." Max realised, sprinting to stage. She grabbed a microphone off of Dustin and walked out to loud cheers.

The show was going really well, and Max decided it was time to debut her new song, "Boyfriend."

"Alright so," she began, locking eyes with El in the crowd for a moment who stood with her boyfriend Mike. El waved excitedly, and Max continued her speech, "I've been working on this song for the last few weeks, and I wanted to play it for you guys."

Everyone cheered as she made her way center stage.

"It's about a girl, that I know, who has a boyfriend, who is an asshole." The crowd erupted in cheers once again, even El and Mike. Max smiled to herself, finding it hilarious as to how oblivious they were.

"And this girl... well... I've been madly in love with her since we first met. So I kinda wrote this as a proposition for her... It's called boyfriend."

A huge eruption of applause and cheers came from the crowd as the music began. As Max sang, she couldn't keep her eyes off El, glancing at her every few seconds.

El slowly began questioning who the song was about, listening to the lyrics and hearing small references to jokes the two had made. As the song ended, Max locked eyes with her once again. This time, it was intense, almost lustful. El felt her heart race, pounding against her chest. It was about... her?

After the show, El made her way backstage, abandoning Mike as he went to use the bathroom.

"Max." she said immediately, not bothering to wait whilst she finished the conversation with the other people in the room.

"Holy shit!" she said, startled, before realising it was El. "Hey El, did you enjoy the show?"
"Was that song about me?"
"The new one, was it about me?"

Max made her way to El, walking out into the corridor with her to deter the attention away from them.

"El I... yeah it is. But don't be mad." Max sighed, staring into El's eyes.
"I am not mad." El smiled.
"You're not?"
"No... I actually um..."

El connected her lips to Max's, kissing her deeply. Max returned it almost immediately, flinging her arms around the brunette's neck.

"Holy shit." Max smiled.
"Yeah." El smiled back, connecting their lips once again.

A/N -

Hey! It's been a while! I missed updating this book, so hopefully I can get back to regular updates! Hope everyone is well <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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