Chapter 38

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I woke up to the movement of Alexander. I look around me and remembered I was at the Institute. 

"Morning" I whispered

"Morning." Alexander whispered kissing me

He unwrapped himself from me getting ready for the day. I soon followed, summoning my essentials and clothes. Without, realizing, Alexander brought me food.

"Thank you." I told him

He smiled his adorable smile, before finishing up.  As we finished getting ready, we noticed Magnus waking up.

"Did you sleep okay?" Alexander asked him

"Like a rock. Oh... fresh squeezed orange juice... and the full glass." Magnus said grabbing from his tray

"One of the perks of living at the Institute. But come on, get out of bed. Breakfast stops serving at 9am. Stella already has her food, we need to get food for ourselves." Alexander told him

"Alexander, I appreciate the hospitality, but doesn't the Clave have rules against Downworlders living here?" Magnus asked

"Oh, they're not... rules, they're suggestions. What? You're not living at the Institute. Neither are you, Stella. You're just... visiting for an extended period of time." Alexander told us

"And what would your fellow Shadowhunters think of warlocks wandering the halls?" I asked

"They'd be fine with it. Let's go." He told us

We waited as Magnus got dressed, before heading to the cafeteria. We entered the room with our trays, to see people looking at us.

"You know it's not too late to go out for breakfast, right?" Magnus asked

"And miss pancake day? No way." Alexander said walking away

I looked at Magnus. "We got this. We have dealt with these looks before." I told him

"Your right, my star." He told me as we followed Alexander to the table.

"Hey." I heard Jace say

"Hey." my Alexander replied

"Magnus, Stella, what are you doing here?" Jace asked us

"Uh, where do we start? We just moved out of our apartment, but unfortunately my real estate agent died a few hundred years ago, so... finding a new place has been a bit of a struggle. " Magnus told him

They could just live with me, but my place is pretty far from here, consider it's not in Brooklyn.

"In the meantime, him and Stella are gonna be staying with us for a little while." Alexander told them

"That's great." Clary said

"Yeah, absolutely." Jace said afterwards

"Welcome to the Institute, Stella, Magnus." Isabelle welcomed us

"Glad to be here." Magnus said

"Thank you." I said at the same time as him

I started eating from my tray, watching everyone look at Magnus and I. 

Ignore them I said through our mind connection

He nodded his head. He looked at his plate before snapping his fingers for a better breakfast. I watched as he felt pain. I released my magic through my fingertips underneath the table, easing the pain, knowing that is all I can do for him. I keep my magic around him as we ate our breakfast. 

"Something happened at the Jade Wolf." Clary said

We listened as she explained vampire killed the werewolves. 

"Excuse me, I need to make a phone call." I said getting up

I moved away from them heading towards Alexander's room. I called Raphael. No answer.

"Raphael, the vampires attacked the wolves last night. They're going to start a war. Now you come down here by yourself and take control of your clan or I will bring you down here myself." I told him hanging up

I opened a portal to my house looking through my books for a truth spell. Finally, I found it. I went back to the Institute, noticing it was already night. I followed Magnus magic, finding him and Alexander in his office.

"Hello, my loves." I greeted kissing them sitting across from them on the couch.

"Guess who Alexander finds handsome?" Magnus asked me

"Who?" I asked

"Underhill." He told me

"I said, I guess he was handsome. Magnus just got jealous." Alexander defended

I laughed, but before I could reply, Alexander phone rang. We watch as he spoke with Simon, before putting it on speakerphone.

"Heidi put her in an irreversible come, but I thought Magnus or Stella could heal her." Simon said

"We'll be right there." I said as I opened a portal outside of the hospital. We walked towards the room of Nora.


After that we both snapped our fingers gliding it around her, watching as she woke up. I grabbed Magnus hand, seeping my magic to ease the pain he felt after using magic. We listened as alexander talked to Nora. 

We walked outside the room after he was finished.

"Can you do a spell to find Maia?" Simon asked

I nodded, finding her close by. I opened a portal as we all stepped out. Heidi was dead. Killed by Maia. I'm not complaining. I wanted to kill the vampire myself after what she did to my boy. 

Suddenly, I sensed Raphael in town. I immediately tracked him down to the Institute. 

"I'll be back." I told them opening a portal outside the Institute. I followed his aura. I found him just as he stepped through a portal. 

"Isabelle, where did y'all take my son?" I asked her

"He had to be accounted for his crimes. He is being sent to the Gard." Isabelle told me

"What crimes?" I asked her, trying to control my rage

"His crimes of torture against the vampire Heidi. I had originally sent him away from New York, but I have been ordered to send him away for his crimes." She told me

I noticed how the room was empty. I showed my warlock mark. 

"You sent my son away because of a crazy vampire. Not only that, but there is also only one person who could give that order." I yelled

"I'm sorry, Stella. It's the law." She told me

"Screw your laws. You shadowhunters are all the same. I don't want to see you again Isabelle. I don't care if you need help, call someone else." I told her walking away.

I need to find my mate.

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