Chapter 3: The Silence

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The family had no idea what was going on. They didn't know whether to explore or just stay sheltered in the Town Hall. The Family thought if they explored, they might find human life or just anything. So, they started to head out, still confused about the deathening bell and other weird experiences that had occurred.

The rows of houses laid on the pavement were illuminated red, and the whole street was red. It was eerie. It seemed to be as if something non human was there, but yet it felt peaceful and calm. Where were they?

The group ran to the house next to the city hall which had signs scattered around the entire house like " Do not enter " and " Leave now. " The house was red on the outside and looked like something was about to kill them (danger was nearby) but cutting-edge and normal on the inside(they might see this because of the door being open)the entrance to the house had a big scratch down the centre of the doorframe and on the side of the door because of what appeared like door slamming.

The house was what seemed like a one story house with what felt like a never ending corridor.The family opened the drawers each having more and more confusing things in it.First drawer had water ,second one had anxiety pills and then the third one had...a finger.

The family stepped back in horror for what they saw.Why was there a finger?Whose was it?Where are we?After what felt like hours of questions and discussion one of them had an Idea(the brother) and he states," if we take it I remember while in Town Hall I just looked around while waiting cause well there isn't any phone signal here so I remember seeing some kind of puzzle so maybe this place we are in we need to complete puzzles to escape."The family looked at him annoyed because he didn't tell them earlier but happy because they kind of knew what they were doing and finally disgusted due to the finger that they didn't wanna touch they may have to due to it being a part of the puzzle.So with hesitation the father goes towards the drawer slowly and slowly puts his hand towards the finger.....................He touches it and he quickly shoved it in his pocket.

His face turned green like a grain of grass and let out a big sound of disgust that nearly made him project on the floor what he had for tea just a few minutes/hours/days ago.Wherever there was there no signal/no way to know the time or what day it was and what seemed like no escape.

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