Chapter 12: The Elevator

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The elevator cable had snapped which led the family to fall through levels which never seemed to end.The family were really panicking now they did know what to do.

For what felt like an eternity, they had been falling. The elevator descended rapidly, still no sign of it changing. Their voices echoed in the confined space, mixing with the constant hum of the falling machinery. Fear and confusion had settled over the family like a suffocating blanket.

"The door won't open, Dad," cried Kayla. Her eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and hope, as she clung tightly to her mother's hand.

"I know, sweetie," David replied, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "We just have to keep trying. Maybe it will open soon."

Sarah attempted to remain calm, comforting her children despite her own growing unease. The darkness beyond the elevator shaft seemed to stretch into eternity, devoid of any sign of life. It was as if they had entered a void, disconnected from the reality they once knew.

What felt like hours went by and the relentless descent continued. The family's hope was slowly eroding, replaced by a gnawing despair. The children's laughter had long faded, replaced by hushed whispers and nervous glances.

But then, just as they had begun to lose all hope, a jolt coursed through the elevator, rattling its occupants. The descent came to an abrupt halt, leaving them momentarily suspended in mid-air. The silence that followed was deafening.

"Dad, did something happen?" asked Jacob. His voice wavered with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

David reached for the elevator door, his heart pounding in his chest. With a firm grip, he pulled it open, revealing a dimly lit corridor on the other side. The air outside the elevator was thick with the musty scent of dampness and decay.

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