Foul-Play Krieg II

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Luffy had overheard of how Krieg gained his infamy and how he used dirty tricks to thrive on the ocean. Then how did that large ship get destroyed?

Then without warning, Krieg stand up from bowing and strikes Sanji on his neck and force him to the ground with a crash.

"S…SANJI!" Crane screamed for his beaten friend as a female customer screamed, and all the customers fled to the exit away from the blood-thirsty Krieg. Gin watched Sanji on the floor bringing new found guilt and shame to see his savior was ruthlessly flattened by his Captain, his body shook wildly; it wasn't supposed to happen like this!

"This is not we agreed on…I brought you here under your condition that you won't harm this place or…hurt the man who SAVED US!" Gin shouted at his superior, and then Krieg grabbed Gin's shoulder.

"That was delicious; I feel alive again!" said Krieg and then he broke his First Mate's arm making Gin scream in pain, as the latter looked ready to kill.

"This is a nice ship. I think I will take it." Krieg said as Luffy glared at the man, Not liking him already.

"So…That's your plan all along" said Sanji, and right on cue Patty also awake and he begins to tremble when his eyes landed on Krieg.

"As you can see my ship is a wreck, naturally, I need a nice new one so your ship is now my ship so I suggest you should pack your things and leave." Krieg stated very clearly.

"Wha…What!?" Crane murmured. Then Krieg pointed his thumb to where his ruined ship docked and said.
"There are about hundred men left onboard on my ship, and they're on the brink of starvation. Many are seriously wounded or dying already. Prepare food and water for every last one of them immediately!"

"What! You're telling us to feed our executioners?! I refuse!" Crane spat making Krieg furious.

"I wasn't asking you, now make no mistake, you wretched Cook. I'm not placing you an order…I'm giving you an order, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR DON'T DEFY ME!" his scream are like rumbling thunder that sends many Cooks to judder like scared little children, they're in deep shit now. Sanji narrowed his eye at Krieg when he heard Gin call out to him.

"Sanji" Sanji turn to see Gin's head bow down in shame refuse to look at him.

"S-Sanji I'm…I'm sorry I…didn't mean for this to happen" Sanji can sense in his voice that he's truly guilty of all of this then he Patty yelling at him, pointing his accusing finger at him.


After much thought Sanji slowly stood up, brushing invisible dusts off of his suit and then walks away to the swirling staircase when Patty stopped him by saying.

"Hey! Where'd you think you're going?" Sanji stood silent for a moment till he turns to side glance at Patty as he wipes the trail of blood on his side of his lip.

"To the kitchen, of course…it looks like I'll be cooking hundred more meals today" After he emitted one sentence all the Cook were taken by surprise even Luffy and Gin were all shocked to hear.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" all the Cooks yelled all together while Krieg smirked as if he won the battle.

"Good, hop to it" he commanded.

Before Sanji can take a step when he's suddenly all the Cooks surround him, each pointing their weapons at him and blocking him from going anywhere.

"Tell us the truth Sanji, are you his spy or something?" one of the Cook said.

"We can't let you go through that kitchen; we grew tired of your acting insane" Sanji can see the look of doubt written on their forehead clear as day, and it surprises him to see them so hostile against him, he guessed he can't really blame them for acting that way. The Chefs kept their eyes stuck at Sanji till they saw Sanji spread his arms wide open and said.

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