*chapter 4*

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Hey guys I'm back with a other chapter! I only have a few more weeks tell my bday gets here, I hope y'all are doing well. Let's just get on with the story now....

                                The next day.
                                  There at the camp now😋


Dad didn't find Merle at all.  Dad he went hunting, me and mom decided where gonna learn sign language because I'm really getting tried write down and giving them but it's fine I will still need.

We are at a camp there's a quarry down I met some new people, Amy, Eliza, Louis, Miranda, Morales, Jim, Andrea, dale, Glenn, t-dog and Jacqui. They all seem pretty good people so far since mom and dad let us stay with them. Since I know some of sign language I asked if mom can we get a break and she said yes I got out of the tent. And I looked over to see Carl playing with some toy cars, I seen Sophia playing with a doll and an other girl come over where Sophia was playing at and there both taking turns with the doll so I went over to them and I bent down and I started to write in the dirt "can I play with the doll?" And they both said yes.

Now it's dark time everyone is setting by the fire Sophia was with her family, me and mom where sitting by Carl and Lori. I guess Lori and mom where now friend's because I could see there mouth's moving but I couldn't find out what there saying. I tapped Mom's shoulder and asked if we could go into the tent since I'm tried. I waved carl goodbye and everyone else me and mom made it to the tent and I got onto the bed I told mom goodnight and she did the same thing.

The next day

I woke up and I started to read some more of the book for sign language it's really hard I was waiting for mom to get up.

A few minutes passed by

Mom is awake and mom ask me if I was hungry I said yes. And we both changed into clean clothes and we got of the tent everyone was up and they are eating some breakfast mom made me a plate/bowl, I miss dad I can't wait for him to get back. I got done eating and I noticed Carl looking at me and I looked at him he turned away fast it was funny. Me, carl, and Sophia where playing until I looked up to see a car and a truck and it was the people back from Atlanta, I saw Carl and his mom talking about something and I saw a other person I have never seen he looks like a cap how he was dressed. I saw Carl running to his dad. I guess it was his dad and then Lori looked shocked as if she saw a ghost and then she ran to him, oh yea that's his wife and son I thought Lori and Shane were together but I guess not. I thought.

It was night.


Carl, Rick, and Lori they were together by the fire pit and Lori was patting Carl's hair. "Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented. Fear, confusion-- all those things but... disoriented comes closest." Rick Said."Words can be meager things. Sometimes they fall short." Dale said. "I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. For a while thought I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever. " Rick said as he got done talking some else spoke up and it was carl, "mom said you died." He said as he was looking up looking at his dad. "She had every reason to believe that. Don't you ever doubt it." Rick said. Lori looked at Shane and then she began talking, "when things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta, and it never happened." Lori said. Rick he started to talk. "Well , I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell." "Yeah."  Lori said. "And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun." Rick said. And then a other person spoke up and it was Shane, Yeah, looks don't deceive. I barely got out them out, you know?" I spoke up, "I'm  gonna go on to bed I will see y'all tomorrow morning"  I then asked violet  if she was tired she shook her head. I got up and Violet got up and she followed me to the tent I got her bed ready I got my bed ready I told her goodnight. She said it in sign language.

It was the next morning


I got up and got ready and I went outside for little bit, Carl then came up to me. "Is violet up, me and Sophia wanna play something with her?" He asked, "let  me go check to see if she's up and I will ask her if she wants to play with you and Sophia. " I told him, I got up and headed to the tent and she's getting awake.

Couple second's go by

She's awake now I asked her if she wanted to play with Carl and Sophia and she said Yes. I told her to get dressed. I went back outside and Carl was waiting still I went up to him and said, "Carl, she's awake and she wants to play with y'all and she's getting dressed. So it will be a couple of minutes ok"  and he shook his head and left.

Couple minutes ago by.


I put on my clothes and I went outside and closed the tent back. I waved to everyone and then I headed over where Sophia and Carl and two other kids where waiting on me I waved at them, I got done on my legs, "so what are we playing today? Or we can play tag, hide and seek? If you want." "Sophia  got done on her legs and then she wrote, I wanna play hide and seek. " Everyone got ready and then we went out to woods me, Carl, Sophia and the two other kids still see the camp

I noticed Sophia was looking at something and it looks like Walker I didn't care if had got caught by carl, I quietly ran to Sophia and I got done on legs and started to write, "it's a Walker, we need to get to Carl and the two other kids." She then nodded her head and then began write something, "ok just follow and I will yell just stay close with me and Carl ok." She said. And she got up and I did the same thing and we found Carl and the three of started to look for the other kids and we found and all the kids started to yell.


I heard someone yelling and then I got up and saw Lori, Rick, and everyone else stop what they where doing and we heard Sophia and Carl to say momma or dad.

"Mom!" Carl yelled.   

"Carl?" Lori said as she began to ran.

"Dad!"  Carl yelled again.

"Baby!" Lori yelled.

"Mama! Mommy!" A girl yelled, everyone was getting weapons.

"Rick!" Glenn yelled as throw a weapon to Rick and Rick caught it.

"Carl" Lori yelled.

"Violet!"  I yelled I didn't care if she couldn't hear me.

"Over here, boy! Come on, come on!" A man yelled.

"Carl! Baby!" Lori yelled.

"Mom!" Sophia yelled.

"Your okay! I've got. I've got him." Lori said.

I saw violet and ran hugged me and she started to cry I told her it's okay. I hugged her back.

                        Someone's point of view.
                           That person died^

It was a  Walker it was scary and it could've killed the kids but the Walker didn't see them at all and that was good. And that walker was eating a deer and it was gross, Daryl was tracking it but then get pissed at the Walker. So now, rick, t-dog, Daryl, Glenn, went and got some more gun's those guns where in Atlanta so they had to go back. And when they did come back that night people died, some kids died. So it was really sad and tomorrow there going to the CDC.

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