*chapter 14*

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I woke up later then yesterday I slowly opened my eyes and I could finally see but the thing was I couldn't feel Cora beside me at all. I guess Beth took her or carol did

I got dressed and I got to the cafeteria and everyone was there as I entered the room everyone started to look at me like they wanted to tell me something... I made my way to Carol

" Where's Cora at? I thought she was with you" I spoke as I sat down with Carol

" I don't know Daisy I woke up Carl woke me up and he gave me a note that said 'mom' and he told me to give it to you." Carol spoke up again I could tell there's something was wrong I didn't see Cora or violet no where until carol handed me a note and sure said mom and I knew it was violet's hand writing.

I opened the note and I begin to read it


Dear mom, if you are reading this I'm already gone with cora... Me and her will be fine I took some weapon's and some food to, but anyways when I was at that place something happened to me I couldn't do it anymore it felt like I was just not me anymore I begged him to to stop... But he wouldn't at all so I just had to leave and take Cora with me I couldn't do that what that man did to me it would break me. But tell dad I love him and tell him sorry when I said that to him..... But I will leave signs so it won't be hard to find me but know that I will and always love you mom and dad! No matter what happens I will always think of you okay but I just couldn't stay here at all so I'm sorry that I left and took Cora with me she will be protective by me mom. And tell dad that I'm sorry for going but I'm not sorry for what I said to him at all. So I love you mom and dad thanks for being there all the way and dad to! But I have to go now and tell the group that I loved them so much I will see you again momma.




I started to cry I knew that she is fine and Cora to. I just left everyone in the cafeteria and I went into my cell and I just laid there.....

Violet so now im just skip to like season 5 when the group got to Alexandria

It's probably been about like a year when I found this place it's called Alexandria and I love it here Cora she's growing so much. I miss dad and mom but I think they will be here sooner than later, so Aaron and his boyfriend went on a run it's been about 2 week's now I have been doing my own thing I have my own house I don't really talk to no one that much.

Me and Cora has new pet's now I found them on a road and plus a house to and there name's are Tully and slick one of them are a tiger and one of them are a dog ( ok but like I needed to added some pets to it lol but I will put the pictures down below and tell me how they look and the tiger it's like a snow leopard but it's a tiger so yea.)

This is the dog eyes color one eye is red and one eye is Green.

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