*chapter 23*

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Yea dad is going to be pissed at me for leaving Cora and the kids at Alexandria but I couldn't just stay there and wait for them to get back. And it's day light now Tully is in front of me running, a few minutes later I stopped because I had to pee and I looked down and there's blood coming down. Yay I started again I thought to myself I put a pad on before I left and I covered the stuff up and Tully knew so she just stopped running and walking beside me now.

I saw a neighborhood coming in a distance I ran as I told Tully to follow me I stopped running because I saw people behind a car I kinda got closer but they didn't notice me yet it looked like  dad, and a woman and three dudes with them who the fuck are they!? I thought to myself

" Tully go and see and keep hidden ok" I said as she nodded and ran off towards the woods I saw dad going to a pole with wire's out of it he pulled it as if he was signaling people or person.


Mom told me to go and see who the people were. I did. Me and mom should go back home because I don't trust this one bit I thought to myself I slowly pace myself down I saw dad as he got onto the car and started to do something with the pole he got down and he saw me he mouthed me  to "go" I couldn't do that to my mom at all she would be mad at me. I took off in a other direction so he wouldn't see me at all.

I waited for a couple of minutes and I acted I was Lost the people came out and saw me they raised there guns at me wow they are going to shoot me that's so mean I thought to myself as I smelled one of them dad was kinda pissed at me because I didn't go back

" Hey little one, where did you come from? You look lost." A guy said as he Bent down and petted me I was not trying to growl but I could hear something behind as I turned around. mom was standing there and she looked pissed as fuck. 


I saw dad looking at Tully it looks like he month her something and I saw her she took off in the woods but it was the opposite side of him and she laid down and waited and soon I waited to

Couple of minutes passed

I seen Tully go around and act lost or something the people came out and they pointed gun's at Tully  oh wow they are really gonna shot my dog for no fucking reason! I thought to myself as I stepped out of my hiding space I went towards them as I could feel my blood boil. A guy bent down as he petted her on the head I pissed no one touches my dog at all. They all stopped what they were doing and Tully looked at me with of help in her eyes, I looked at them with anger in my eyes, dad was trying to do something but I stopped him

" Oh hell no y'all at really gonna point gun's at my dog really? And one of you fuckers decided to my pet my dog! Get the fuck away from my dog now before I do something else" I smiled at them as Tully went back to me  and dad told them put there guns down

And they did

" Who are you?" The women spoke to me

" Oh um, my name is violet. And my dog name is Tully, is there anything you need before I go?"
I said as dad just looked at me

" No, I was wondering if you saw anyone else around here...? I'm looking for people because they killed some of our people." The women replied to me

I just nodded my head a no and I looked at her for a second until I realized who it was...... It was Leah who dad met he told me

" Oh welp guess I will get going now and also if y'all do follow I will kill all of you" I smiled at them as me and Tully walked away from them they didn't even follow at all

I went into the woods again and saw two or three people in the woods it looks like it was my group. I looked up at the sky and noticed insects Started to fly above me and Tully. They were getting louder and louder even tho I couldn't even hear anything at all.

I sat down by a tree while Tully laid right beside me and keeping me safe.

Hey guys! I hope your ok:) but I hope this chapter and the last chapter makes sense for y'all lol I hope this chapter was good and I'm sorry this chapter was short sorry about that!! See y'all soon

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