*chapter 21*

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The same day

Everyone was in the church talking about the food. Cora she's with RJ and Judith and Gracie. Slick was with them and Tully was with me but she's outside.

"One week" Gabriel spoke

"That's it? In that last run, just a week?" Dad spoke

"We can make it work." Aaron spoke

" How? We just took in two new communities. We have no crops, no back stock." I spoke

" we can get there. Got people out there right now,  scavenging houses for materials. " Aaron spoke

" and they're slowing down. It's a little hard to put up a wall with broken tools and an empty stomach" Gabriel spoke

One of Maggie's people spoke

"Our people are good hunters frost and I could take a group out"

"Grounds  all spent. The last big horde  scared all  the animals away. We can find a new territory."  Dad spoke

" We don't have time. We need food. Lot's of it. Now. " Gabriel spoke while everyone started to shake there head's a yes or no.

" I know one more place. The place I lived before this. Where we lived. Meridian. It's got plenty of food, water, crops and animals. " Maggie spoke while she sat down in the chair

" Yeah, now it's gone." Elijah spoke ( one of Maggie's people)

" So, what happened out there?" Rosita spoke

Everyone looked down with sad eyes.

" We were on a mission. Leading walker's away. Duncan, Agatha, and Frost took the last shift at  front of the herd. Going miles out. I circled back with Elijah and cole on the way back home, things kept going sideways and we got stuck out on the road looking back now, I don't think that was an accident. All of a sudden, we heard these screams in the distance we raced back home. But it was too late most of our people had been  slaughtered and the rest of us barely got away with our lives the people that attacked us-- we only knew two things about them. They come  at night, and by the time you see them, your already dead. That was before we caught one. Daryl was with me he came after us alone why? Because there aren't that many of them. They're at meridian now. There's Alot of food to feed Alexandria 'tell we get this place back up and running again. that's why they took it. We just need to take it back." Maggie explained

" So...your leaving to fight ghost's. That's the plan?" Aaron spoke

" You have a better one?" Maggie spoke

"Shore up to Alexandria, for starters the walls are not stable. Walker's will get inside. That's not if,  it's when. Alexandria needs us" Aaron spoke up again

" This is for Alexandria. My son is here. I have skin in the game, too" Maggie spoke

" Yeah, but if they slaughtered every one at once, what the hell makes this situation any different?" Rosita said

" Duncan, Agatha and Frost are
Meridian's best fighters, and now I have them. And hopefully some of you, too" Maggie spoke

" Maggie, this  sounds like a suicide mission" Rosita spoke

" Well, if we don't have food, it's not gonna matter, anyway. I'll go. Anybody else? " Dad spoke while he got up and everyone raised there hand's ( few people didn't) I didn't. Because I just got back Rosita shook her head. I got up from the floor and made my way towards the door I went to see Tully she's laying down. She looked up at me and waged her tail

She made her way to me. I told her to follow me. Me and her went got Cora so she could say goodbye to Dad. We went to dad

" Dad, please be careful and come back alive" I spoke while I gave him a hug

" I always am. And I will be careful" he kinda said it in sign language

We said goodbyes to dad and everyone else

And now they left

Tully( dog)

I was waiting on mom because there in the church talking about something I don't know what tho. So I just laid down for a bit

I heard the door open mom walked out she stepped towards me and I ran towards her

"Follow" she said as I walked with her slick he was with RJ, Judith and Cora.

Me, mom found Cora and mom told dad( yes lol slick and Tully are calling Daryl dad lmao but idk lol) goodbye's and to everyone else who left with him.

(I'm just make up stuff now when Eugene and the other people get back lol don't mind me)


Mom didn't come back yet slick was out hunting for his food, me and dog ( Daryl's dog) are playing Cora, Judith and RJ are playing I got up because I could smell the scent of mom as I thought of that I saw her and dad walking in Alexandria dad called dog and violet told me to follow her and I did she throw the bag onto the ground and cora ran towards her and hugged her mom was talking with cora and until she got up from the ground and told me follow again.

"Tully go and find slick" mom said to me as I got up from the ground and I ran towards the woods the leafs below me are crouching everytime I make a step.

I seen white fur running and knew it was slick I ran after him even though he's faster than me
I catched up to him and bark at him he turned around to face me his face was covered in blood and it smelled like walker's blood I looked at him funny and he just huffed at me. I got closer to him and I licked him ( it's like she's telling slick that violet is back) and he just looked at me until we heard growling behind us and there was about 3 or 4 walker's me and slick both looked at each other and ran towards them I knocked one of the walker's down while slick the same thing he chewed the walker's face off and I finally killed a walker and killed a other Walker while the other two walker's were trying to get slick. Not to day buddys I thought to myself while I barked again and the walker's started to walk towards me slick got behind one of them and pushed it to the ground and killed it and I did the same.

Me and slick were both covered in walker's blood I took off while slick was following me. Me and him got to a lake and to get the blood off of ourselves I could see the blood coming off and soon we are cleaned, we both got out of the lake and shook my body while water got everywhere I stopped and looked at slick he was mad at me but it's fine he can totally help it.

Me and slick took off running to home.

We finally made it back home slick was happy to see mom as she pet him.

End of that day!

Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't post at all:( I'm sorry lol but I was catching up to my homework tho so I didn't even have time at all and I'm sorry for that....I hope y'all are okay! And also if I didn't kill off Rosita at all who should I kill of Gabriel, Eugene or Tully and slick? Idk who should it be lol but if I do kill off Rosita no one will die at all, it will be Rosita, Luke and his gf. But enjoy this chapter please and thanks:) and thanks for the reads, votes, and comments to lol see y'all again!!!

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