*chapter 15*

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Thanks guy's for 300-200 reads on this story:) there's only  3 more day's for the walking dead to end... I will miss the walking dead a lot and also I will probably be crying when i get done with and probably I won't update this book for a while so yea. I know everyone will be sad that's ending, I think I will cry Alot because I have been watching twd since I was like 8 or 7 so yea it's definitely gonna suck but all I gotta say if anyone dies in the last episode I will probably cry and not watch it at all but don't worry I will be taking my time and I will try get done with the walking dead before it will be taking off lol but I think I will be done with it soo yea. lets get on with the story!

Now ( it's violet.)

The next day Cora she was awake and waiting on me for to get her some food and some water. I picked her up and bring her down to the kitchen. Tully is my dog and slick is Cora and slick and Tully are pretty protective over us but it's fine though, I grabbed cora some some food and put it on her food tray and I'm cooking my breakfast.

"Tully, come here girl!" I yelled for her she came running around the corner and slick followed. I gave them some food. Separately, cora got done eating her food, I cleaned her up and sat her down. And she started to crawl well she has been doing that for a while now and she's been trying to stand up to.

A few hours passed by and there both outside.

Me,cora, Tully and slick are walking down the road. And I went to the front gate saw some people with a baby in there arm's well do look familiar though ( she told Tully and slick stay with cora.)  Nicholas spoke

" Who are these people?"

" There new people just open the gate Erick is hurt." Aaron spoke. New people?

I climbed down the ladder and opened the gate.

Daryl and Daisy

" Babe does she look familiar to you?" I said to Daryl he nodded.

" It can't be her at all I know she left signs for me and the group but I do think that's our daughter she's all grown in up." I spoke again

" Yeah. But we can't just assumed that's our daughter at all she could be some else's" Daryl said. well he is right. 

The gate started to open until something was on the ground. And it was a possum Daryl killed and then he said

" We brought dinner" I almost giggled but I didn't though

And then Aaron spoke.

" Guy's meet violet. She's deaf and she only got here about last year. And she has a dog and tiger and a baby. I found them in a house"
I can't believe it. My baby is here.


The woman started to cry. But then she looked up towards me and it was Mom. I can't believe she's her. I can't face them just not yet Cora doesn't even know them. I got Cora and started to run. Slick and Tully followed. I opened the door and closed it. (Her house.)


Why did she ran? Me and group had to wait. Deanna the woman who ran this place and with her husband. She wanted to talk to Rick and all of the group. It was Rick, Carl, Daryl, Sasha, Abraham, Rosita, Glenn, Maggie, Tara, Eugene, Carol, Noah, and me.

Night time

Everyone took showers. And we stayed in a house. Daryl he didn't even took a shower at all. But it's fine. Rick and Michonne we're the last ones to take a shower.

"How long was I in there for?" Michonne spoke to Rick

" Probably about 30 minutes" Rick said. There was a knock at the door  Rick opened the door and it Deanna

"Hi Rick I just wanted to check in on you.... Y'all I didn't know y'all were staying in the same house smart tomorrow I'm having a party at my house y'all should come. And Michonne and you y'all are going to have a job. But I'm still figuring out miss Dixon and Mr Dixon over there." Deanna spoke as she looked through the house everyone stayed in.


It was dark time I still couldn't face the group at all. And Cora doesn't even know her own mom and dad. I had to runaway it was the choice I could do. I made some dinner for me and Cora I put some food on her food tray.

A few minutes passed by

I gave Cora a bath. And I put her down to sleep slick stayed in the room keeping guard over her Tull she would stay my room. I went downstairs and started to read a book. After a few minutes of reading there was a knock at my door. And it was Aaron. (She opened the door and it was Aaron) and he started to speak

" Can I come in? " I nodded my head to a yes

" What do you wanna talk about? Earlier today when I meet the group? " I spoke to him.

" Yeah, are you ok? You know violet I'm here if you need anything ok. You can tell me if you want " he spoke back to me I couldn't lie to him. He was like a second father figure when I got here he would take care of Cora when I needed sleep.

" Um, no I'm not ok at all Aaron. And yeah I know your here for me and I appreciate that Aaron. But please don't tell anyone anyone about this at all please......"  Spoke to him again and he nodded. For me to continue.

" Ok. Um when I was a kid. Only 11 and I'm 13 or 12 now but anyways when I was a kid..... There was this bad man..... And uh um and the group that you picked up that was my group and it still is. Daryl Dixon and daisy Dixon are my mom and dad and Cora's to..... So when I was at the prison... I loved it there. When lil ass kicker was born dad and Maggie they went and got formula for the baby and soon we were running out again Maggie and Glenn they wanted to go out on a run and I asked them if I could go, and they said I have to ask mom and I did. A few hours passed by and were at this store were we stop at it was going good until..... My dumb uncle came out of nowhere he freakin kidnapped me, Maggie and Glenn because all he wanted to know that if his brother is alive and I told him.... But no that didn't matter at all. The bad guy I told you about... Well um.....uh.....I was in this room and he came out of nowhere..... He said he was gonna have........fun with me...... I didn't know what that was supposed to mean and ummm........ He......Um...... Came behind me and uh...... Did something bad to me. so that's why I left the group in the first place. And yeah... Um I'm sorry but I don't really wanna talk about this no more..... " I spoke as I started to cry. Aaron spoke

" Violet, I'm so so sorry for what happened to you. No one and I mean no one should go through that at all like you did ok... And come here girl" I nodded and we both hugged I just broke down crying I couldn't do it anymore and he was right no one should go through that all and men should die who does that to little boys, girl's, woman and men.

After a few minutes of hugging Aaron left. I went back to my room and try to sleep Tully was waiting for me. She was my comfort dog and slick to they were both of my baby's. And  I soon laid down and soon sleeping.

Hi guys how are y'all? I think I'm gonna be sad there's only 3 day's left now for the last episode to come out of the walking dead. Just like I said at the first of this chapter I'm gonna be fuckin crying over here and I'm gonna miss everyone on it. And I don't want it to end at all. And also if there like still having the walking dead aring like on Netflix or something I will do a other book with Daryl lol. And probably if I do it I will like do one with Rick. Definitely not Shane he's just stupid so yea and I'm so sorry this chapter took so long lol, and I can't believe the walking dead is ending now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it's going to be so so damn sad 😕😕😕 I honestly don't wanna cry though. Just like Norman Reedus said once '  it was just us  in the woods as family just kicking butt'🤧🤧🤧 I will miss you Daryl Dixon. If or not to meet you I would give you a hug 🫂 you are my favorite person and your like a father figure to me:) even though we never met at all and it goes for the other characters I will miss them too:( but thanks AMC for making this happen and thanks the walking dead family for helping us and being with us and giving advice for us! I will go now lol I will update soon ❤️

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