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*Zee Pov*

I saw Nunew walking out of the campus and Niki follow him right behind. Even while getting into the car she had her eyes on him. As she hurriedly got into the car and started the engine, I knew what I had to do.

I got in my car and decided to follow Niki. By the time I exited the school grounds she was nowhere in sight and I thought she must've taken a different route since neither Niki nor Nunew was in sight. I searched different routes and still couldn't find either of them. I really didn't have to worry about Nunew but something in my mind said I had to make sure he was okay. I sensed Niki's emotions and I could say she was up to no good.

Finally I found an alleyway which had a car similar to Niki's parked. I sped towards the car and the sight made me boil with rage. I stopped the car immediately getting off as fast as I can. Niki was gripping Nunew's neck and he was losing his consciousness. I ran towards them and pulled hear away from him at full force which caused her to hit a wall near by. Nunew was already on the ground and she started laughing hysterically. "Niki what the fuck is wrong with you?" I growled at her. If she wasn't my deceased best friend's sister I would have knocked her unconscious. "Don't you fucking dare touch what's mine. You fucking understand what I am telling you Niki? Don't make me tell you twice cause I won't."

She spoke back "What's yours Zee??? Is that all that matters to you? What about what's mine? This good for nothing Slut got in my way and stole you away from me" she started screaming and crying.

I looked at her emotionlessly, "I was no one's to begin with" saying so I quickly knelt down infront of Nunew and checked on him. Thankfully he was still alive. I embraced him thanking who ever's above for sparing his life. I picked him up bridal style and put him in the passenger's seat next to mine. Without looking at Niki I got into the car and sped away.

The drive home was silent since Nunew was still unconscious. After a while we reached home. I picked him up and went inside the mansion.

All the servants and butlers came running as they saw someone in my arms

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All the servants and butlers came running as they saw someone in my arms. They all bowed down and no one dared to question but the shock was evident in their faces.

Net looked the most surprised. "Zee who's this? Did you really bring someone home?" He asked trying to tease me. I didn't say anything and instead ignored him and went upstairs into my room.

I placed Nunew on my bed and took off his shoes and socks. He had a petite body, even without my vampire strength he felt as light as a feather when I carried him. He looked harmless and really innocent in his sleep. I stared at him a couple of minutes "Who are you really Nunew and What are you doing to me?"

This is the first time I've brought anyone home hence why everyone looked shocked to see me with someone else including my own brother.

I decided to change Nunew's clothes on my own. After asking the servants to send me a fresh shirt upstairs, I slowly took off his shirt. His neck still had bruises from Niki's grip. Fucking bitch. There were faint marks of red patches from when I left them all over his upper body. I felt proud at the sight since he looked mesmerizing just existing right infront of me.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked around his surrounding. When his eyes landed on me he panicked and tried covering himself. "Please don't get any closer to me, y-you have her. I was just an experiment, so please don't come close to me. Please" I was speechless at what he said. I said those things to him but I know I didn't mean any of them. Guilty was taking over me as I felt my heart ache at the sight of him looking so vulnerable and in pain.

I slowly neared him "shh shh, it's okay. Now's not the time for this talk. Please stay calm and lie down. You were unconscious because of what happened with Niki and I brought you home with me, you're at my house now and you're safe. No one can hurt you." I reassured him.

He seemed to calm down but still didn't let me touch him. He tried getting off the bed to which I protested he should just stay over at my place and leave first thing in the morning tomorrow if he feels uncomfortable. He stayed quite at that.

"You can clean up yourself and sleep here tonight, we have plenty of rooms in the mansion so rest well. I'll have someone send you a set of fresh clothes to change into. Goodnight Nunew." I said before leaving.


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