Nunew's 18th

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*Zee POV*

It has been a few days since the Koraphat Mansion Ball, I've been thinking of ways to forget Nunew but nothing works.

First thing in the morning a butler walked up to me and handed me an invitation that said we are invited to the Silver Dagger Castle for the celebration of Nunew's 18th birthday.

I sighed contemplating whether I should go or not. This might be my last chance to see him before he gets engaged so I will have to attend the party. Also this is the first time in many years Black Hounds are invited to an event held at the Silver Dagger.

Nunew's birthday is in two days but the celebration takes place tomorrow night .
Why are the Pure Bloods so invested in Nunew's business. They treat him with special care and protect him like their own. The only reason I can't bring him home is because of my ruthless father or else I would've fought anyone in my way to bring him home again.

How did he open the secret door. I still have to find out. Because the secret door can't be opened by anyone who doesn't have magic or royal blood in them. Nothing makes sense he must've taken the amulet with him since it was lying on the ground next to the door. Yes that's the only way.

*Nunew POV*

Tutor has been frequently visiting me ever since the ball. He seems like a fun guy to hangout with and I can't help but recall my times with Nat and Yim when I'm with him. They would've loved him if they ever came across. He was caring, funny and very comfortable to be around.

My birthday is in two days and Prince James decided to call for a celebration. I protested saying I don't want to bother them. But he insisted we celebrate since it's my first birthday at the castle. Everyone here treats me like Family. I am always taken care of and included in everything they do.

Life was good but I was missing Mr Zee each passing day. But remembering how he always had Niki lingering all over him made me want to forget him but I just couldn't. So I tried my best to distract myself. Tomorrow at the party I just know Mr Zee will be here at the castle. I had to look my best to make him see and realize that I'm better than Niki in every way.

I also decided to include Yim and Nat in the invitation list since they were the only family outside the clans, I had all my life. Hopefully they can make it. Prince James promised to assign two guards for the safety of the boys since this party involves vampires. They're all well behaved, no one has tried attacking me despite knowing I am human. So everything would go smoothly.


I was getting ready for the party. I had different stylists helping me out get prepared. James came into my room to check up on me almost every 5 minutes. I looked myself in the mirror liking what I'm seeing.

*Zee POV*

Of course little miss flee had to tag along when she had enough cars in her mansion. I wasn't in the mood to protest since seeing Nunew was the only thing stuck in my head.

Net drove with the others and our clan arrived on time. People were already at the castle and they bow down every time we walk past them. James walked up to me and we shook hands. He completely ignored Net's presence as usual but that wasn't my concern.

I looked around trying to catch a glimpse of Nunew but he was nowhere to be found. As if reading my mind Net decided to ask where Nunew was to which James forced a smile and said he will soon be arriving since all guests have arrived.

I saw Tutor walk upstairs. Probably to escort Nunew now that he's Nunew's soon to be Fiancé. I felt my heart hurt at the thought but this was something I had to sacrifice for the sake of Nunew's safety. Having to deal with Niki and our engagement, watching Nunew being loved by someone else.

Suddenly lights switched off and a spot light switched on at the top of the stairs. Then in walked Nunew alongside Tutor. I was amazed at how perfect Nunew looked. He was wearing white looking elegant and graceful while walking down the stairs. I felt everyone around me freeze and it seem like Nunew and I was the only one left in this place.

He stared at me with his beautiful eyes with each step he took

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He stared at me with his beautiful eyes with each step he took. I couldn't help but stare back this time. How can I get myself to look away from his beauty? But what he did next left me heartbroken. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he leaned over to Tutor's direction and kissed him in the cheek mouthing a 'thank you'.

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