Anger issues

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Victoria Anne Reynolds. That name disgusts me now. After what he did. You have no idea what I'm talking about do you? Let me explain...

*One Year Earlier*

"VICTORIA ANNE! GET UP!!!" I winced. Having to wake up to that isn't pleasant. I trudged down the stairs afraid of what might happen. "Yes dad?" I asked quietly.

"VICTORIA ANNE DO YOU SEE WHAT TIME IT IS!?! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN UP 5 MINETES AGO! YOU SHOULD BE IN YOUR UNIFORM EATING BREAKFAST! NIT LOUNGING ABOUT BEING LAZY! I WILL NOT TOLERATE LAZY!" He screamed. He is the strictest army general there is. He once made a man do 500 push ups because that poor man sneezed while he was talking.

He controls everything I do. Who my friends are, what I wear, what school I go to, what music I listen to, an everything else. Oh shoot, dads staring at me waiting for an explanation.

"I overslept sir! It will not happen again sir!" "Turn around," e replied in a dangerously calm voice. Oh no. Not a spanking. Most parents spank with their hands. Not my dad he spanks with a horsewhip. I turned around quickly"just get it over with" I thought to myself. CRACK! my vision began to blur. CRACK! Hot tears began to stream down my face. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!

"Get up he said coldly then turned and left the room. I got ran to my room got dressed, ate breakfast, and left the house at precisely 7:45. i drove to my friend Nina's house and rang the doorbell. She answered and ran to my car.

"Omg! Listen to this band they are so amazing and soooo ho-" I cut her off abruptly. "Nina you now I can't listen to any bands my dad doesn't approve of. "

She quickly retorted "come on live a little! Your dad controls everything!"

"Fine!" I nearly shout! "But only because I can never win an arugment against you!"

"Mwahahaha!" Nina cackled gleefully. She popped a CD in the car radio and a catchy tune began to play "Your insecure, don't know what for..."

It was amazing. From that moment on I was a directioner. A secret one. If my dad ever found out about this my dead body would be found in the Mississippi River...and we live in California......

~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~~~~

Hey guys this is my fist fanfiction so please be nice. I do accept CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. No hate please. One last thing.... CARROTS SPOONS CLOVERS MIRRORS AND KITTY CATS!!!!!

Oh yeah and sorry the chapter is so short

Army BratOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora