Chapter 2

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( Courtney's POV )

The next day, I went to Trent's house to re-discuss our plan.

"So I'm taking Gwen to s
Saw Alive, and won't be back until tomorrow, according to our plans." Trent smirked.

"What a coincidence that there's a storm tonight." I said. Just what we needed to help our plan go through.

"Okay, so I'll go pick Gwen up at 7. After about 10 minutes, you'll call Duncan asking if he wants to go round yours with Gwen to eat pizza and watch a movie. Gwen won't be there so you'll have Duncan to yourself. And then, you know what to do." Said Trent.

"Yeah I know, I heard you the first seven times." I said.

"Okay, just making sure."

"Right. Got to go, see ya!" I said and left.

( Duncan's POV )

At seven, Trent came knocking on the door to pick Gwen up. Just as I opened the door, Gwen walked downstairs wearing black leather pants with black combat boots, a grey crop top and a black leather jacket.

"Black is the new black I see" I said with a smirk. We both chuckled.

"Bye Duncan." Said Gwen as she left with Trent to go to the Saw Alive Maze.


I thought to myself. Suddenly the house phone starts ringing. I went to pick it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey. It's Courtney. I was wondering if you and Gwen wanted to come over to watch a movie and order some pizza."

"Gwen's not here. She went somewhere with Trent. I can still go though."

"Sounds good. See ya." Courtney hung up.

I guess I've got plans now too. I went and got changed into something other than my pj's and drove towards her house.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by Courtney. She was wearing some short shorts and an oversized shirt. She looked hot. But I obviously couldn't let her know that.

"Come in. I've already ordered the pizza. What do you want to watch?" Asked Courtney.

"How about scary movies? " I said with a huge evil grin across my face.

"Fine, but if I freak out its like totally your fault."

"Whatever." I said. We sat down on the couch with tons of blankets and started watching Chucky.

(Trent's POV )

I parked the car and went towards the entrance. It looked like a high security prison base, but creepier.

We got to the entrance and where put into groups of around fifteen people.

"This is so exciting!" Said Gwen.

"Yeah..." I replied. I was mortified to get into the actual maze, but I did it for Gwen.

We walked into a room and we were all chained to chairs and forced to do challenges. People who failed to complete them got a mild shock, but it was still terrifying. We had to find these keys to escape.

Once all fifteen of us got the keys, some creepy guy in a red tricycle appeared on the screen. He told us some very creepy things like death and pain and dying.

When he finally shut up, we unchained ourselves with the keys and tried to escape the maze. Some people that weren't fast enough and we're just chatting they're way along were taken by prison guards, probably to do another challenge.

"This is why we all need to stick together and concentrate on leaving this stinking maze. I've practically studied this movie, so follow my rules or else you'll die." Gwen told the others. We agreed and followed her every word and eventually got out.

"That was fun." Said Gwen with a huge grin across her face.

"It actually was." I replied.

We got on the car, and had a conversation all through the drive. I didn't have much fuel in my car, so it eventually stopped working.

"What do we do now?" Asked Gwen.

"Well, there's a hotel over there. Plus there's this huge storm outside so we don't really have a choice but to go." I said.

This was all planned. Except the storm but it helped as an excuse.

(Courtney's POV )

We watched Chucky, and oh my days that is one heck of a scary movie.

Every time something scary happened, I hugged Duncan really tight, that eventually we were cuddling all the way through the movie.

What? I was scared. And flirting with him but he doesn't need to know that part.

(Duncan's POV )

We watched the movie and Princess over here was so scared she kept holding on to me, which almost made me feel like I liked her more than Gwen. Almost.

"That was like so scary." Courtney complained.

"Chill princess, it wasn't that bad." I said.

I was about to leave but when I opened the door there was this heck of a storm going on. Lightning bolts everywhere, probably not safe to drive.

"Um, I don't really think that this is the ideal weather to drive in. Plus it's like 11 so yeah." Said Courtney.

"Just some water, no big deal." I said.

"People die in car accidents in this weather. If I were you I wouldn't risk it. You can stay here if you like. Gwen should understand. " She argued.

"You scared I'm going to die?" I said and quickly I saw her blush. My phone vibrated and I saw a message from Gwen.

'Trent's car broke down and because of the storm were staying in a hotel until tomorrow.'

I looked up at Courtney and smiled.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll stay. Want to watch another movie?"

"Sure, but I'm picking this time. How about grown ups?" She asked.


We watched the movie and had a laugh together. It reminded me of old times, when we were together.

You're marrying Gwen, you idiot. You can't just like Courtney!

I thought. Courtney fell asleep half way through the movie. I stopped it, picked her up and took her to her bed. I tucked her in, and just before I left I kissed her cheek.

I couldn't help myself!

I went to the living room and went to sleep on the sofa.

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