Chapter 12

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(Gwen's POV)

After my little freak out, I asked Courtney if she could go find Duncan so I could talk to him privately.

We went into a room at the very back and I started talking.

"Duncan, do you have feelings for Courtney. It's okay if you do, it's just that, I love Trent. Okay? I got that out there." I spoke truthfully. Duncan just stood in front of me in silence.

"I do. I love Courtney." He admitted.
"Cool. I guess we've got to do something about this wedding." I said.

"And I've got just the plan." He said with a smirk then explained, whispering in my ear. "Sounds good?" He asked.

"Ok, but let's practice it just in case." I spoke.

We practiced everything like it was a play, except that this is real and what we do now will affect our future.


I nodded shyly, then walked out into the hall where everyone was waiting not so patiently.

"At last! I guess Gwen was simply nervous." I heard someone say.

I smiled innocently at the people and walked towards the altar with Duncan. When we got to the top, he grabbed the microphone and began to talk to the audience who listened quietly.

"Me and Gwen have something to say to all of you. After discussing this like, five minutes ago, we came to the conclusion that we shouldn't be getting married." Everyone gasped.

"It's not that we had an argument or anything, it's just that we both love someone else." I finished.

"Not talking about you, mum." Duncan blurted out, receiving a chuckle from our guests. "Love you!"

"As I was saying, we have decided to cancel this wedding to reasons our stupid hearts have come up with." I finished.

"Weddings are for people who love each other unconditionally, and I suppose that this isn't our case." Duncan justified.

We were about to step off and leave but we were interrupted by my mother, who started the question and answer session.

"Who do you love more than my daughter?!" She asked Duncan. Duncan looked kind of uncomfortable.

"Err, just someone beasutifully amazing." He stated. "Not that I think that Gwen isn't pretty, I just like someone else." He said trying to calm my mother down, which he learnt from previous experiences.

"And who do you love more than my son?" Asked Melissa, Duncan's mother. Everyone else started asking lots of questions at the same times, questioning our decision.

"See guys, this is the thing. You don't understand that we are doing this to make each other happy. We are just friends now, because we love other people. Will nobody get it?!" Shouted Duncan shuting everyone up. He stormed out the room, as Courtney followed to calm him down.

I walked off the altar and just sat on a chair as I watched everyone begin to walk out, not uttering a single word to me.

(Courtney's POV)

I followed Duncan out, who started running away into the distance. Luckily I went on a 5k run every day if I could, so I followed him easily. I took off my high heels and ran in his direction. He stopped in some empty park, and sat down under a well hidden oak tree. I walked over to where he was.

"Hey Duncan." I spoke softly, plopping down beside him. He gave me a startled look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I took a few seconds before responding.

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