Chapter 4

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(Courtney's POV)

I felt so bad doing this to Gwen. She was my best friend and was marrying the man I love. Despite that, she loved him. So what was I doing trying to stop the wedding?

"I've got to be somewhere." I said and left a confused Duncan behind.

I ran to my car and drove home.

(Gwen's POV )

Courtney?! Seriously! They may be good friends but don't need to lie to me! Well, I did lie too...

"So, how's it going?" Asked Trent.

I sighed. I'm getting married to a cheating ass who didn't actually cheat on me but he lied. How's it going you ask?

"I'm fine." I replied bluntly.

"Look, if you're angry or upset just tell me I'm all ears. That's what friends are for, right?" He said with a friendly smile.

He always knows how to make me feel better.

"Thanks Trent." I replied. And I was thankful to have him as a friend. I told him everything.

"That made me kind of feel better." I said and hugged him.

"Venting is a great way to destress. Anyway, it was nice to see you. Bye!" He said and hopped off the bus at his stop.
Once I finally got home, Duncan was there watching TV. He looked a bit hungover.

"Duncan, I'm sorry. For everything."

"I should be the one apologising, since I blamed you first. But whatever. " He said. Then suddenly, his phone went off.

(Duncan's POV )

I picked up my phone and answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi there! Do you know of Courtney Barlow?" A deep voice asked.

"Yes, is she okay?" I asked nervously. I was kind of scared. Kind of.

"Okay. I am calling from the hospital to inform you about her being involved in a car accident. A drunk driver, you know?"

"OH MY GOD IS SHE OKAY?!" I shouted. Gwen glared at me strangely.

I swear that if princess is dead I will personally go murder that drunk ass!

"Not exactly. She is currently in a coma not waking up." The man hung up. Seriously!

"What's wrong?" Asked Gwen.
"Courtney was in a car crash and is in a coma. We have to go quick!" I shouted running out the door into the car.

We eventually got to the hospital, and I ran to reception.

"Hello, I am here to see Courtney Barlow, she was in a car crash and now she's in a coma." I said urgently.

"Courtney Barlow... Ah yes, here she is. Room 364, 3rd floor." Said the woman.

Me and Gwen hurried along the corridors and up the stairs, because Gwen's too claustrophobic to get in there.

We walked into the room to find Courtney's parents crying next to their daughter.

Courtney had scratches all over her body and her head had a bandage around it. Although she was hurt, she looked so peaceful. Like a beautiful princess. She was the real life sleeping beauty. I was probably staring at her all lovestruck because Gwen kept nudging at me.

Half an hour later, the doctor came in saying that we all should leave but only one person could stay. I insisted on staying and Gwen just glared at me.

"But she's my daughter, I must stay with her."

"I know Mrs. Barlow, but because of me she got pissed off and left early, and I feel really guilty almost as if it was my fault. Please, Mrs. Barlow? " I looked at her pleasingly with my eyes that always got me what I wanted. Except with Courtney.

"Fine. But don't do anything strange to my daughter. " She said and everyone left.

"Will she wake up?" I asked the medic.

"I don't know. She is in a very critical condition at the moment. She has seven days to wake up or we will disconnect the machines."

"You can't just let her die! This is a hospital for gods sake!" I shouted angrily. The man just walked away.

I stayed with Courtney day and night, throughout the week. People were coming in to see her and bringing flowers into the room, as they slowly lost hope. But I didn't.

"5 minutes left until we switch them off." Said the doctor patting my back. Tears started to fill my eyes.

This is not how it's going to end! Please Courtney, God, anyone, just don't let her die! I promise I will never drink again if she makes it. Please Courtney don't leave me!

I hugged her tightly and stroked her hair. I kissed her one last time and started crying on her chest.

"D-duncan." I heard a sweet female voice say. I look up and see Courtney looking down.

"Oh Princess!" I shouted and hugged her tightly. "She's alive doctor. She's fine."

"Wh-what am I doing here?" Courtney said trying to sit up.

"Don't move, just rest. Last week, you were in a car accident because of some drunk driver. You were severely injured and in a coma. Most thought you wouldn't make it. " I explained.

"I'm just going to do a few tests to check on her." Said the doctor, signaling me to leave.

I walked out the door and texted Gwen, telling her the good news.

(Gwen's POV )

I saw Duncan's text. Thank goodness!

"Courtney's alive." I told Trent.

He came over for lunch and to keep me company.

"That's great." He said smiling.

"Yeah... I'm just confused on how worried he was about Courtney. And how he looked at her when she was in the bed in hospital. He looked so lovestruck. And how he stayed a whole week beside a practically dead Courtney." I confessed.

"Well, sometimes people don't fully loose all feelings for their exes. Even if they're over them." Said Trent. His cheeks went a cute pink, while I could feel mine going bright red.

"But he definitely still loves you. I mean, your getting married." He finished, and pronounced the word married with pain and sadness.

Does he still love me? I do too- I mean no I don't I am a one man girl and my man is Duncan ahhhh. I hate my thinking sometimes.

Me and Trent just looked into each others eyes while still blushing, then he leaned in and kissed me. It felt like when Duncan kissed me in London, but better!

Once we finally pulled away Duncan walked in.

"Hey guys. You read my text?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it's great to know that she's alright after all." I said, avoiding eye contact with Trent.

" Yeah..." said Duncan.

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