Chapter 11

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(Gwen's POV)

"So you're telling me that you and Trent have been making a plan- courtesy of Heather- to make me fall in love with him and Duncan with you?" I questioned her.

I could not believe this. My best friend has been pretty much flirting with my boyfriend, actually fiancée, behind my back and doesn't even think it through twice!

"I stopped doing it though because I realised how wrong what I was doing actually was. I truly regret it with all my heart. I understand if you don't trust me enough to continue being friends with me." Said Courtney with tears rolling down her face. Her onyx eyes become lighter when she cries, it turns into a really pretty honey colour.

I shook my head, then spoke to her slowly.

"Courtney, in all my years you are the bestest friend I have ever come across. Do you actually think that I'm giving up on our friendship just because of that little plot of yours? Total Drama has made us go through far worse than this, trust me." The last part made me earn a slight chuckle from her. "So don't worry your vicious little head, cause I can't do anything without my partner in crime."

"Remember when we went to some high school two years ago and destroyed some high schools Prom?" She said with a smile.

"Oh my god yes. We're starting to sound a little bit like Katie and Sadie." I said while laughing.

"Please, not them." She said with her hands in a mocking begging motion "I heard Trent is single at the moment."

"What about that Natalie girl?" I asked curious.

"I suppose the didn't work out. Physically as well." I chuckled at her end of her sentence.




I waited in the limousine that me and Duncan hired for around fifteen minutes, because that's when the wedding begins, and I have to be the last one to enter according to every single wedding ever.

(Duncan's POV)

I better not screw up. This is the last chance I get to be with Courtney, and I'm not messing up this time. She will eventually be mine. If she wants to, that is. I swear, I'm acting like some sort of love sick puppy. What is wrong with me?

I was sitting in one of the doors in the waiting area they had for smoe reason on the right hand side of the altar. Then I saw Courtney walk into the room dressed up as the bride and walking up to me.

"Is this a dream?" I ask her.

"No silly, I'm here to save your ass from marrying someone you don't have feelings for. Now Duncan! Duncan?! Duncan?"

I realised that it was all a daydream and Geoff was clicking his fingers in my face calling my name.

"Earth to Duncan" He said waving his hand before me.

"Alright man, stop it." I said moving his arm away. I looked over the crowd to find Courtney, who was sitting beside some ginger man which I could recognise a bit, but I couldn't place my finger on it. His arm was rapped around her waist.

Scott! Wait, are they dating? I wasn't aware of this. Is this real or am I daydreaming again? Fuck. Fuck everything and everyone.

(Courtney's POV)

"Hey Heather, look who I have with me." I said as Scott wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I doubted you, but you still did it. Now here you go." She said handing out a 100 dollar bill out her purse.

We walked to the front row as I was a signed this seat.

"Thanks Scott. I owe you. " I said sitting down.

"Anytime." He replied walking away to his wife Dawn.

Of course it was fake. But I'm not giving up on the chance to win money. Let's be honest now, that's the only reason why I went to Total Drama. I know it's everyone's excuse too.

I glanced over at Duncan who looked quite stressed out and worried. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up as he walked past onto the altar.

He had gotten rid of the mohawk a few days ago, dying it all plack but left it with a few streaks of green.

Bridgette sat down beside me with Geoff who had their daughter in their laps.

"I love that little dress you got for Ellie." I told her.

"I know, it's so cute." She answered.
Then Gwen walked in holding red and white roses which contrasted with the dress she was wearing. In front of her was her nephew Adam throwing fake rings on the floor, and behind her was her niece Nicole, throwing red rode petals behind the floor she had already covered.

She gracefully walked dow the centre of the room in her beautiful black dress which was dragged slightly on the floor. I could see the concentration in her eyes as she focused on not tripping over, which she did struggle a little bit. She didn't wear heels regularly, that's all.

She stood up on the altar facing Duncan, and probably just ignored what the priest said. They said their over practiced wedding vows to each other when he told them to, with no emotion in their voices whatsoever.

"Do you, Gwendolyn Baxter, take Duncan Nelson as your wedded husband and love him for the rest of your life?" Asked the priest.

"I-" She stopped there and ran out the front door.

"Gwen!" I followed her outside. Once I found her she was sat out side the door crying on the steps. "Gwen, what's wrong." I asked sitting next to her.

"I just feel like, I'm making a mistake. I can't marry Duncan, I just can't. I love Trent. I always tried to push my thoughts about Trent away, but I was simply never over him. And here I am, getting married to someone I don't love." She said then paused for a breather.

"Then tell him. Tell them how you feel out there to everyone else." I suggested hugging her.

"But I don't like being stared at. And what if people think otherwise?" She said looking up at me.

"Who cares about what people think? This is your life Gwen. You're the one who is actually living this, so make the choices you think are best for you to be happy. If marrying Duncan means that you're not happy, then don't do it. But you'll never know until you try, and you will regret not doing this." I explained.

She took a deep breath then said, "I'm going to tell them."



Hey guys. I love making cliff hangers for y'all, and it means there will be another chapter. Woooo. I just love this story too much that I don't want to finish it.

I wanted to give credit to 24NYG24 who came up with the fabulous idea of Duncan's daydream, which I find hilarious! Thanks again for that xx!

I want to start doing a 'Question of the chapter' from now on, so here I go trying to be cool and interactive with my precious readers.

QOTC: Top 4 Total Drama characters (2 girls 2 boys)? They can be from any season.

AOTC: Girl: Courtney (duuuh) and Gwen.
Boy: Duncan and Noah.

Thanks for reading!




Ily guys!

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