Chapter 9

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(Trent's POV)

I waited for Natalie to arrive. I was having lunch with her, Gwen and Duncan. I hope this goes to plan.

Then Natalie came running up to me.

"There you are." I said while opening the door to let her in first.

"I was caught up in traffic. Now let's feast!" She said walking past me.

"Wait a second. You know the plan, right?" I asked her, making sure she remembered.

"And you know you have to pay me afterwards?" She said with a stern expression.

"Just checking." I said putting my hands in the air defensively.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" She asked, eyeing everyone that was in the room.

"The girl sitting with the guy that has a mohawk." I said pointing at her.

"Oh my god, so after all these years you are still not over Gwen!" She said with a surprised face, yet with a mocking tone.

"Shut up." I said as I walked over to their table.

(Gwen's POV)

I saw Trent walk in beside a tan girl, with golden brown long wavy hair, and pearly blue eyes. They're as mesmerising as Alejandro's eyes.

"This is Natalie." He introduced her.

"What a nice name." I said, trying to not make it obvious I was jealous. Which I wasn't.

Duncan gave Trent a look which I couldn't quite recognise.

We ordered our food, then once it arrived we started eating.

Natalie kept talking about how Trent asked her out, and how romantic he is and a bunch of other stuff about how amazing Trent is. Like yeah, we are aware he's your boyfriend, get over it! I really despise that girl...

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said standing up. Then I had and idea.

"I need to go too." I said following her.

We were the only ones in the bathroom.

"Hey, Natalie is it?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked innocently.

"I'm feeling a bit sick right now, so would you in going to the Pharmacy down the road and get me something. I just don't want to worry Duncan, you know." I lied. I felt fine.

"Oh sure. I'll go tell Trent I'm going."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I will tell him for you." I lied again, and walked back to our table.

(Trent's POV)

Gwen walked back from the toilet with a smirk, looking pretty pleased about herself.

"I don't think that Natalie girl actually likes you." She told me. I gave her a confused look, but she pointed at the door. And there she was, my girlfriend leaving me here.

She's so not getting paid.

"You know what, let's just go then." I said standing up.

Everyone else followed.

"See you guys!" I said as I entered my car. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I placed my hand in my pocket and looked for it, until I picked it up.

I had recieved a text from Natalie.

" Gwen's all over you. She was so jealous she tried to get rid of me, and I just played along. Just a heads up!

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