069. imessage texts.

193 22 15


argy <3 & birdie <3

birdie <3
why would you tell him?

argy <3
tell who?

birdie <3
don't act stupid.
you told eddie about steve and i

argy <3
i didn't

birdie <3
yes you did...
and here i thought steve went running his mouth while drunk but turns out it was you

argy <3
now that i recall, i was super stoned and sort of said it was cool of eddie to be cool with you and steve hanging out

birdie <3
what the fuck argyle

argy <3
i'm so sorry. i have no filter when i'm stoned, i literally forgot

birdie <3
you promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone. i told you that no one else knew

argy <3
i forgot i'm sorry

birdie <3
must be all that weed then...

argy <3
please don't pull that shit on me
i just had a bit too much

birdie <3
you always have a bit too much
and you always have to apologize for it

argy <3
birdie please don't be like this

birdie <3
be like what?
a cunt?

argy <3
can we just not fight?
i'm sorry, okay? i never meant to let it slip but i was like super stoned

birdie <3
yeah you're always super stoned

argy <3
you indulge too. it's super hypocritical for you to shame me for doing so

birdie <3
yeah but it's not 24/7 like you do
maybe you should get some help. weed is a gateway drug, you know

argy <3

birdie <3
i'm like really upset with what you did. eddie is my best friend. i've known him longer than i've known you or even nancy

argy <3
i'm sorry okay?
but it's not like he was steve's boyfriend at the time it happened right?

birdie <3
yeah but i KNEW he had a thing for steve at the time. you just don't get it

argy <3
okay then what do i not get?

birdie <3
that not everyone is so fucking cool with everything like you. some of us have feelings and aren't mindless zombies

argy <3

fuck that's not what i meant argyle

argy <3
i think it's better we go our separate ways

what do you mean?

argy <3
we break up.
you wouldn't wanna keep being with a mindless zombie with no feelings right?

argyle i'm sorry
i didn't mean it
message failed to deliver

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