32 & 33

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Dramon touches the small of my back and I stiffen.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," I shrug and turn so he's not facing Rexon's direction. The least those two see each other, the better.

"This place is just too full."

Or rather, bare. It's astonishing how comfortable these people feel while wearing transparent, tight, short layers. I've even seen some females only wearing patches over their breasts and legs.

Somehow, the attention seems stuck on me. I wonder if it's because I'm the one wearing the most clothing, or because I'm the only person in the room without grey skin.

"Dramon," one young woman crosses us. She's wearing a red, sparkling dress that covers one breast and leaves the other one hanging. There's a large hole at the bottom that gives direct access to her sex.

"King Dramon," Dramon replies.


"Calling me by my first name is informal." His face is set in stone, and his eyes don't flicker south of her face.

"I'll call you whatever you would like, my King," she smiles. "My partner is at the walls right now, but I was wondering if you would like to switch?" she looks at me hopefully.

"No," both Dramon and I blurt.

The invitation is supposed to be flattering, but I find it repulsive. I can't be intimate with more than one man at once.

Mindful of not insulting their culture, I add, "no, thank you."

"Alright, Queen Venus. Perhaps later."

I'm not shocked she knows my name. Dramon and I are such an odd pairing that gossip about us has reached the moon.

We walk away, but only manage five steps before we're approached by another female. I notice that only women are making these offers, as if the men know better than to ask Dramon if they can fuck his wife.

There's more men than women in here. That's pretty normal of any setting since there's barely women left on the planet. We soon run through most of them as they throw themselves at Dramon's feet. Some of them are high off orgasms and drugs. The evidence sparkles on their skin as they proudly wear the semen of their partners.

I'm getting flustered. It smells like sex and stimulants, I've gotten flashed one too many times, Dramon's fingers threaten to cut into my flesh, and my face is stiff from giving so many false smiles. The nobles are noticing the lack of enthusiasm, and they're not happy about it. They think we're acting high and mighty by rejecting all of their offers.

We're about to reject yet another female when I feel a sharp tug at the back of my dress. There's a rip, and air touches my breasts once my top falls apart.


I'm suddenly flagged by both Dramon and Rexon as they approach a nervous male. His hands are up defensively while mine are holding the top of my dress up. I look back and find the train ripped off. I'm guessing the male was unfortunate enough to step on it.

"Go," I tell him as I push between a seething Dramon and Rexon. Something swipes my right buttock, and I stiffen when I realise Rexon is naked behind me. Irrational guilt has me pushing my hips in Dramon's direction.

The male blurts an apology and rushes off with his loincloth tucked between his legs. I don't blame him. Any sane person would run if they were getting glowered by two Rider Kings.

I clutch my ripped top to keep it from falling, and Rexon reaches for me. "Do you need-"

Dramon's hand snares around Rexon's wrist. I hear a snap, but Rexon doesn't flinch. "She doesn't need any damned thing from you. Get lost."

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