Tamaki Suoh x Reader

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...I look at them and choose...
"Tamaki." I say smiling, I heard my friends somewhere in the background squealing. Ta maki smiles charmingly and takes my hand into his. "Well chosen princess/prince~!" He exclaims happily. I blush and look down pulling my hand away quickly as if his touch burned me. He frowns but decides to let it go. "Cancel all my appointments please." Tamaki says looking at Kyoya. Kyoya seemed hesitant but sighed and nodded. Tamaki than looks at me and pulls me away from the crowded room into somewhere more emptier and quiet.
"What would you like to do princess/prince?" I shrugged not really knowing what I wanted to do. "Why don't we talk a bit of ourselves so we can get to know each other better princess/prince?" I huffed a bit annoyed at him only referring to me as princess/prince. "Ok, first of all my name is (F/N), (F/N) (L/N)." He smiles and takes my hand getting really close. "It suits you." I blush and try to back away until my back hits the wall. "You know, I haven't met anyone like you (F/N). You're so gorgeous that it blinds me." I blush and look away.
He puts one of his hands against the wall and strokes my (H/L) (H/C) with the other. I unconsciously nuzzle his hand liking the feeling of him stroking my hair. His hands are warm, soft, and gentle. He chuckles and looks deeply into my eyes, I squirm a bit, I felt like his eyes could look right through my soul. "You know, we have just met a few minutes ago but for me it feels like I've known you since forever." He frowns a bit and shakes his head. "No, what I mean to say is that I love you (F/N). Would you be mine?" My (S/T) turn a bright red as I look down again and latch onto him. "...yes." I murmur quietly. He smiles brightly and lifts my chin up staring at me with those beautiful eyes.
He slowly starts leaning forward, we were just a breath away when he heard a loud thump. We pull away quickly and see the twins grinning sheepishly. "H-hi boss, we were just admiring the floor! Right Kaoru?" Kaoru nodded rapidly in agreement. Tamaki growled an raised a fist. "You shady twins were spying on us!" He started running after them. "Come back here!" He yells as he leaves. I let out a distressed sigh and slowly fall onto the floor covering my beat red face. "Wow..." I say quietly to myself as I start repeating the past events in my head.

How was it Nya~?

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