Mori x Reader

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...I look at them and choose...
"Mori." I said smiling. He looks at me and nods. "Aww, can I come with you?" Honey asks. Mori crouches down and pats his head. "Next time..." Honey pouts and nods. Mori stood up and looked at me. "Come." He says as he starts walking, I trail behind him and stare at him. He's really tall, strong looking, quiet, and so sexy... Wait did I just say sexy?! W-well I got to admit, he is sexy b-but why do I feel so weird! I ruffle my (H/L) (H/C) frustrated and confused with a massive blush on my face.
I didn't notice where I was going and was about to be caught in between a stampede of girls who were running/speed walking at full speed to music room 3. I felt myself being lifted, I gasp and crane my neck to see Mori. I blush and look down. "T-thanks..." He nods and puts me down. He bends down to my level and leans close my face. I felt my face heat up. "Are you not feeling well....?" I shake my head. Kiss him! A voice says in my head "N-no, I'm ok." He looks at me with doubt and rests his forehead on mine.
"Warm." He says frowning, he carries me and takes me to what I think was the nurses office.
He entered and settled me down on a bed. The nurse is not here... Wait...the nurse is not here so that means we're alone! I panic and back myself to the wall blushing massively. This is your chance kiss him! I heard the voice say again. I cover my face hoping Mori wouldn't notice. Unfortunately he does, he walks over to me and sits down. "Rest." I shake my head. "N-no..." He simply stares at me expectingly, I stood my ground and stared defiantly. "Rest." "..."
He sighs and pushes me down. I didn't know what came over me but I guess I don't regret it. I grabbed his tie an pulled him down, placing my lips on his in a kiss. He remained still, I quickly pulled away and looked away guiltily. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!" That's a complete lie~ A voice in the back of my head said. "the truth is that I love you, you drive me crazy and when I say crazy I'm saying it for real I think. I've been hearing a small voice in the back of my head a-..." He puts a hand over my mouth.
"You talk to much... But that's what I love about you." He gives me one of his rare smiles. That was the first time He smiled since I've seen him and the most he's talked. Heleans down painfully slow. It felt like hours until his lips fell on mine, it was a short and sweet kiss but for me it felt as if time had just stopped for us. He pulls away and leaves me a blushing mess. "If that's you're going to do to me to get me to be quiet...I think I'll have to talk more." I say touching my lips and smile like an idiot. "Aww~ Young love!" Someone says. We both turn to look at the direction of the voice. We see the nurse giving us a mischievous smile. "I'll be leaving now, better not make a mess in here~" she says winking and leaves or so we thought.
We had leaned in for another kiss until we heard the cheery voice of the nurse say "Get some!" I blush and pull away, I look at Mori who had a faint pink dusting his cheeks. I sigh and lean against Mori, he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while until someone slammed the door open. "GET SOME MORI~!" The twins yell from the doorframe. Mori glares at them making them scramble away. He comes back and gives me a passionate yet short kiss.

Came out kinda bad so maybe I'll try making another one for Mori.

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