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"I'm sorry. McGonagall is coming, though, so I'm going to say this was you attacking me after I provoked you. I didn't mean to offend you and I'm going to assume you didn't mean to hurt me."

"I didn't. I'm sorry too. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, no offense intended but you're pretty weak."

"Not my fault you're so tall." Sirius liked the banter, and loved when Remus offered his hand to help him stand up. He pretended the blush on his cheeks was from jumping at him.

"Are you saying it's mine? Oh hello, Professor." Remus said pleasantly. Sirius ogled at his calm and neutral tone.

"Boys. Week's detention, both of you. Ah," she added on a lighter note. "you can get started on your project."

"But we're not-" Remus started, clearly unsure of how to put it.

"Yeah, we aren't working together, Professor."

"Now you are. See you tonight, seven. An hour."

"Yes, Professor," Sirius mumbles.

"Yes, Professor," Remus repeats.

"Good. Now, listen up class. Now these you are in your groups we will start working."

The rest of the class, and the two hours between 5 and 7, flew by, and soon Sirius found himself standing in front of the building with a notebook and a lack of coffee. A distinct lack of coffee. He walked inside to find Remus already working on the project.

"I'm here. What're you working on?"

"Oh, nothing." Remus slid the papers off the desk and upside down into his lap. "Just something for Art."

"Art here? At school, I mean."

"Yes. Project due soon."

"You don't take Art. We have the same classes so unless you're coming back here in the afternoons, which might not be so unreasonable because you're you after all, I think you're lying to me. Don't worry, I'm not going to pressure you to show me."

"Thank you. Let's get started." Remus pulled something out of his bag. A chocolate bar. "Want some? Dark chocolate helps you stay awake."

"Like coffee?" Remus crinkled his nose in a way that made Sirius' heart start doing jumping jacks.

"Too bitter, but I guess so."

"You think coffee's too bitter but you eat dark chocolate on the daily?"

"Yes. Now, do you want some or not."

"I'm good, thanks."

They worked quietly, occasionally asking the other a question about the text or the project format. They had to do an oral presentation on European history. Fun. After about half an hour, Professor McGonagall came in. She looked at the two boys whispering to each other, faces inches apart, and left without saying anything.

"So, Sirius." Sirius looked up. "You're friends with Lily Evans, right?"

"Friends is one way to put it." Sirius meant it as a witty retort, Remus did not interpret it that way.

"Right. I should have assumed you were dating. I always thought it was James and her though, but i guess she has no reason not to like you." Sirius laughed, thinking Remus was joking.

"James has been in love with her for years now."

"He's in love with you're girlfriend? Or did you start dating the girl he was in love with?" Only now did Sirius realize that Remus was not joking about the Sirius-Lily dating thing.

"No we're not dating!" He said hurriedly. "I thought you were joking!"

"Is it not believable?"

"Of course not!" Then Sirius realized that he only really talked to James and Lily and that Remus would have no way of knowing he was gay.


"She's straight!" That wasn't what he was going to say. Not at all. What did Lily bring straight have to do with Sirius? It gave James false hope but did nothing for him.

"And you're not?!" Remus asked jokingly. Sirius smiled slightly. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Oh god, I can't even imagine how I'd respond if someone did that to me."

"Not your fault. We don't know each other so why would you know my sexuality. I don't wear a sign saying I'M GAY everywhere I go. I only do that in the parades." Remus smiles. "Actually no, I have a rainbow pin on my bag." Sirius reaches down and puts his bag on his lap to show Remus the pin. A little rainbow. Barely noticeable, but there nonetheless.

"Where'd you get that? I want one." That was the second hint Sirius should have taken. First was his reaction to finding out Sirius was gay, when he said 'oh god, I can't even imagine how I'd respond if someone did that to me.' That hint was subtle so it made sense that Sirius didn't notice. Him wanting a rainbow pin that Sirius uses to express his sexuality is a lot less subtle, but still it made sense he didn't notice.

"I don't know. Got it the moment I moved out of my house."

"That reminds me, do you know any cheap housing around here? Or anyone looking for a roommate? I need a new place."

"Oh, hear me out. There's an empty flat across from mine. It's not great, a little bit dirty and no one's lived there for years so if it doesn't turn out you can always sell it and move in with me." Remus smiles, nodding. His amber eyes glowing bright as the moon.

"That'd be perfect! Where is it?" Sirius wrote the details on a piece of paper and gave it to him, chatting animatedly as he did so. While Remus was throwing away his pencil shavings, however, he took back the paper and wrote on the back

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