Phone Calls and Jily

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Number ;) ### ### ####

He put it back where it was before Remus got back, and tried to look invested in the work. Remus noticed something was wrong, but ignored it. Soon enough, the hour ended and they bade farewell to each other before leaving. Sirius' phone rang.


### ### ####

"Clive McStaler speaking." Usually if it was someone Sirius wanted to talk to they'd say something, but the caller stayed quiet. "Who is this?"

"Remus Lupin. Sorry I thought this was someone else."

"Oh my god, no it's me. It's Sirius. That's who you meant to call, right?"

"Who the hell is Clive McStaler."

"My code name. Anyone who actually has my number will mention something about a wrong number or hang up and recall or something so I always answer with a fake name. Honestly it's the smartest thing I've ever come up with."

"That's the smartest thing you've ever come up with? You're stupider than Potter."

"I haven't been hopelessly pining after the same sassy redhead for six years so beg to differ."

"Guess so. So why'd you give me your number?" Sirius panicked. He didn't know. How was anyone supposed to know why Sirius did stuff. Why anyone did stuff.

"So that you can contact me about the project. And the flat!"

"Oh," Remus said with a tone of, what was that, disappointment? Did he expect a different answer? Did Sirius have a different answer?

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow I have to catch up on some sleep. No more chocolate, Rem."

"Rem?" Sirius could tell Remus was smiling. It made his heart happy, and his face red.

"Thought I'd try it out. You need a nickname. How'd you like it, Lupin?"

"Love it, Siri."

"Nope. Not happening. I am not going to be a robot. Rem is nice. Siri is not."

"Too late." There was a noise on Remus' end. A dog.

"Is that a dog?"

"Yeah. I'm sharing a room with someone. Loves dogs. I hate them."

"You hate dogs? I'm sorry but this friendship is over. Actually I'm not even sorry!"

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"I sure as hell am! How can you not like dogs? They have little pads on their feet. They're so cute."

"They're cute because they have pads on their feet?"

"It's one of the many reasons. They look like beans!"

"Oh!" It sounded like he'd had a breakthrough of some science thing.

"What? Is everything ok?"

"I have your nickname! It's perfect. You act just like a dog!"


"Nothing. I have to go now, my roommate is threatening to let the dog in my room."

"You can stay with me, if you'd like." What was he saying??

"Really? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Not intruding. We're friends now. We help each other out."

"I thought you said you didn't want to be my friend."

"I didn't mean it like that."

"I really have to go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"'Course. See you, Re!"

"See you, Padfoot." And with that, Remus hung up and Padfoot collapsed on his bed. He was such an idiot. Lily would laugh at him, yes, but Lily would also know what to do. He dialed her number. It was only eight thirty, after all.


"Sirius?" Sirius would recognize the voice anywhere.


"Oh, it is you! Lily finally caved and said she'd go out with me- not what I said," came a small voice that belonged to the fiery redhead. "Fine. She let me stay with her to work on the project. SIMPLY because you haven't done anything for it." Right. He'd forgotten to tell James he was partnered with Remus.

"Minnie partnered me with Lupin." There was a happy giggle from Lily and an annoyed sigh from James. "I really have to talk to Lily right now."

"Ok, ok. EVANS!"

"No need to shout, I'm right here. Hey Sirius." Sirius took a deep breath, ready to tell her all his secrets, but she beat him to it. "Sirius, I'm so screwed!"

"What are you on about? Lily, I love you, but you don't make sense all the time."

"James is nice and surprisingly smart and sweet and funny and he keeps complimenting me and I don't know what to do because I want to compliment him back but he might take it the wrong way. Not that there would be anything wrong with that I just don't know if you and I could still be friends if things ended ugly between him and I."

"Wait, you like him? Back!?" Lily sighed in response. "Lils, don't worry about me. It won't come to our separation unless you want it to. Go for it, but take it slow. Don't hurt him, please."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Now, what happened with Remus?"

"I did something stupid."


"He asked if I knew any places for sale and I told home the flat across from me is. And then when he was complaining about his roommate I invited him to stay with me."

"That's sweet. What's the issue?"

"We're friends!"

"Oh, Sirius."

"Don't 'oh, Sirius' me! I need your help. What do I do?"

"When did you invite him to stay with you?"

"Over the phone. He called me when i was walking home."

"Called you? You gave him your number?"

"And here's the second stupid thing I did. When he asked me why I gave him my number I said it was for the project! Lily! I have a crush on a straight boy! AGAIN!"

"Aww, poor Sirius. Do you regret inviting him to stay with you?"

"No!" Sirius snapped. "Of course not. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. He's funny and nice and his eyes light up when he knows something you don't. And his hair looks so soft! Lily help me!"

"You have detention again tomorrow, right?"

"Thanks for reminding me."

"Tell him how you feel. Ask him out. I doubt he'll say no."

"But... I can't do that! I love James but watching him endlessly pine after you was pathetic and I don't want to become the weeping mess he was every time you rejected him."

"Sirius, you don't know until you try. I have to go, James is setting fire to something. JAMES NO! Bye, Sirius!"

"Bye Lily." Well Lily was no help.

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